View Full Version : Writting a book

15-05-07, 21:24
Hiya all
No idea where i should post this so here seems as good a place as any.
I was just wondering what you idea's would be on me writting a book. I have allready got about 1/4 of the way through. Its completly all over the place. Its not just about panics and stuff but includes depression, self harm, anorexia and stuff. I just wanted to write something that
a) helps me come to terms with whats happened to me
b) try and remove the stigma attached to meatal health promblems
c) offer help and support to other people going through similer situations.
Have a few slight promblems though as i am dislexic so my spelling is terriable as im sure you may have noticed. Also what i am writting about is so personal that i dont know if i want to share it all.
I am going to finish the book as it is helpful to me but i dont know if i will try and get it published.
Any thoughts on the issue would be appritiated.
Take care

15-05-07, 21:43
Writing this would be a great way of offloading your feelings, and I wouldn't worry about your spelling or whether others will read it or not.

I think many of us have so many mixed up thoughts running in parallel, none of which are easy to explain, it must be very difficult to get all this down on paper, so don't worry.

Have you thought of doing this in a diary format?

Or maybe you could record your feelings or tape - hey, I wonder if any radio station would be interested in broadcasting the thoughts of an anxiety sufferer? Maybe 5 or 10 minutes at a time?

All the Best!