View Full Version : Cocaine and hepatitis c

29-07-17, 10:12
Two days ago I had too much to drink, and stupid as I can be took cocaine with a stranger. Not much, just a small sniff. Not had a bleeding nose or blood in my snot lately.

I have health anxiety, and now I'm very afraid I've got infected with hepatitis c. I've used cocaine before, but it must be at least 6 months ago, snd never regulary. Just stupid actions when I drink too much. Are there possible I could be sick now?

Very worried. Can't stop thinking about it. I will test myself, but can't do so until it's been 5-6 weeks at least.

29-07-17, 14:05
I can't say I have much sympathy for somebody that drinks too much, sniffs a bit of coke and then joins a forum to pester people with real problems about it.

Go to your Doctor, and lay off the crap.

29-07-17, 14:36
Thanks for pointing of me being an absolute drama Queens. It helped!

29-07-17, 15:59
I agree with Anxietyjoe 100 %! I have never understood why anyone with health anxiety would do such careless things like drugs or unprotected sex and then come on here with their worries!! Let me make it clear that NOBODY should do these careless acts, but come on people! I'm not trying to judge the OP here, BUT STOP doing drugs!! You're only asking for trouble. I've seen it ruin too many lives, so give it up!

29-07-17, 16:17
Hi, the chances of transmission are absolutely tiny, but I'm guessing that you know that, so me telling you to try and reassure you prob won't help any, sorry. Some researchers still doubt transmission is even possible. I'd try and keep that in your mind even though you'll still worry until you can test.

I'm a recovering alcoholic. I now realise I used to self-medicate my crippling anxiety with alcohol (at least that's how it started out before it spiralled completely out of control). It is a lot easier to preach rather than practise, but I'd avoid alcohol as it's making you make bad decisions like dabbling in coke and the alcohol and even v. occasional cocaine use will make your anxiety a million times worse (I know it's not a regular thing as you were saying, but I don't want anyone to end up like me).

Take care.

29-07-17, 16:45
Well none of us is perfect! Anxiety can cause people to do reckless things as a means of escapism. Of course doing drugs isn't sensible but I'm sorry that you're getting a hard time over it. I also tend to self medicate with alcohol when my anxiety is bad, so I get it. I don't have any experience with drugs so I can't offer you any advice but it would be worth a trip to your doctor if you haven't already so that you can start to work on healthier ways to deal with your anxiety.

29-07-17, 17:38
Again, I don't mean any disrespect, but I've seen too many lives messed up and know people who have lost loved ones from it. I also have friends who have been in car accidents from being hit by people under the influence who walk away without a scratch and only get a slap on the wrist, so forgive me for being a bit touchy. I'm not calling the OP an addict or anything like that. I'm just saying some people have just dabbled before, and out of nowhere it starts consuming them, and the addiction starts. And yes some do suffer anxiety when under the influence. So do what you need to do so that your anxiety doesn't worsen. OP, if you're worried about hepatitis, see a doc and get checked. Sorry if I offended you, and I don't claim to be perfect.

29-07-17, 18:24
I understand StephA. Drugs can do nasty things to people. Some drugs can also make anxiety worse, including alcohol and cannabis.

30-07-17, 12:33
If you share a snorter with someone who has it there is supposed to be a risk but not particularly high. A Hep C antibody test won't mean much until 12 weeks post-exposure.

I'm sure you will be fine though, the odds of the person having Hep C are low.