View Full Version : Please help

29-07-17, 12:31
I have had a couple of months of extreme HA. It started with tingling sensations. I had blood tests and they threw up an elevated liver enzyme called alkaline phosphtase. I went intp melt down. had to have repeat bloods and an ultrasound. Ultrasound all clear except for slight fatty liver which my GP says is very common. (Strangely my tingling vanished when I was focussed on my liver)
Then started getting bad IBS but with a lot of left rib pain - sometimes it is hard to lie on that side. Have reflux symptoms and a lot of throat gurgling and feeling like I need to bring up air. In the last coupe of days I have really bad pain between my shoulder blades. this new symptom is really scaring me. Am beginning to convince myself I have lung cancer or stomach cancer. I am in total panic. Please help. has anyone else had this. Please, please reply

29-07-17, 12:57
Just because things like IBS and reflux aren't serious doesn't mean they don't cause all sorts of pain and discomfort, or that they don't need treating. Are you being treated for them in any way? Have you discussed the pain between your shoulders with a doctor?

I wouldn't be surprised if you were experiencing musculoskeletal pain of some kind, related to the tension caused by your constant worry and anxiety.

Are you having your anxiety treated in any way?

29-07-17, 16:36
I am on citalopram for my anxiety My GP put me on lansaprozole when I told her about my left sided pain but she doesn't know about the pain between my shoulders. This is anew development and what is scarring me. I know and understand that people will get fed up with me but I just don't know how to stop this fear. I have had CBT in the past and could teach it. I know all the theory but when a 'big' Ha comes along I can't apply any of it. I have just found out that I am going to be a grandma in January. I should be so excited but all I can think about is that I may be so ill by then, or even dead.

---------- Post added at 16:36 ---------- Previous post was at 13:18 ----------


29-07-17, 17:27
You are much more likely to have gerd or a hiatal hernia than something more severe.

Stomach cancer often doesn't present with many symptoms. I believe loss of appetite and weight loss are associated with the disease. Lung cancer also has very different symptoms than what you're concerned with.

Have you been tested for h.pylori? I had it and gerd for quite some time. It took me sometime to find a acid reducer that worked well for me. Sometimes it got worse before it got better...have you changed your eating habits at all? I had to cut out dairy and any spicy food until my stomach healed itself.

You could calls ask for a gastroscopy if you're worried. I was terrified when I had the symptoms I was experiencing by my gastroscopy and colonoscopy were normal.

29-07-17, 17:32
Thankyou for your reply. I had a colonoscopy 12 months ago but will go and see GP and talk to her about poss hyplori.

29-07-17, 17:36
Not a problem. Heartburn can be really nasty. Sometimes it can mimic symptoms of a heart attack because of the vagus nerve. It took quite a lot of time until I felt better. Stay positive!

29-07-17, 18:50
I am really trying. have moments of calm and then that 'but it's different this time' feeling. So scared it is cancer even though I definitely have reflux and throat gurgles at the moment

29-07-17, 19:50
It can often just be referred gas pain from the intestine, Susie.

Congratulations on becoming a Grandmother in January! Nothing awful will stop you seeing your baby grandchild even though you are anticipating that it will. These thoughts are just HA playing tricks on you and stopping you from anticipating this birth with joy.

29-07-17, 20:00
Thankyou. I appreciate you replying. I just want to fit and healthy for him or her. Can this amount of pain really be caused by reflux?. I so want to enjoy the baby.
I have had quite severe pain under/on my left rib and lots of air in my throat that makes weird gurgling sounds. On this basis I am assuming I have reflux. I have lansaprozole for it. This pain in between the shoulder blades is new and is terrifying me. I am thinking lung or breast cancer

29-07-17, 20:13
Why lung or breast cancer? Shoulder pain can just be excess gas-I get it a lot.

---------- Post added at 20:13 ---------- Previous post was at 20:10 ----------

I have an IBS diagnosis so I know all about referred pain from the intestines. I don't know whether you have ever had a laparoscopy but the doctors always prepare you for this referred pain afterwards.