View Full Version : Vicious circle

Panther man
29-07-17, 21:54
Hi i suffer from anxiety and depression, currently on sertraline, and waiting list for a counsellor, my wife found out today I have started self harming, she hit the roof and told me if I do it again we are in serious trouble, hasn't spoken to me for hours, so now I'm trapped in a vicious circle of sat here feeling so low and constantly thinking about doing it, but know that will make things worse, but do I care more about the consequences? Or making me feel better? Extremely confused

up a ladder
09-08-17, 12:26
Hi Panther man:) How are you doing? I meant to reply to your post earlier in the week but got tied up.

29-09-20, 19:54

I'm so sorry you're feeling like this. It sounds like you're feeling overwhelmed at the moment and are looking for ways to reduce the intensity of your feelings. What other methods have you tried?

Your wife has probably reacted that way because she is worried about your well-being and isn't sure how to support you. Have you been able to talk to her about it? Maybe educate her on the ins and outs of self harm.

Sorry I couldn't be of more use. I sincerely hope that you find a way to find happiness again. You've taken really good steps by starting meds, getting on the waiting list for counselling and by reaching out on here.

Emma. X