View Full Version : WWYD? Pain in esophagus?

30-07-17, 06:24
Last night I had 3 slices of pizza and I went to bed. Woke up in the morning with a bloating feeling in my chest like I had to burp and I moved and it caused a severe sharp pain after that it felt like the pizza got stuck in my center chest. We got out for breakfast.. and my first bite was with pain down my throat like if I swallowed a whole tortilla chip. Painfully went down with it hitting a bad peak right in the center. Ever since then it's with every bite I take. Water is the same.
I fear I tore my esophagus (some of you may know it's a fear of mine)
Also when I deeply inhale it hurts and it makes it feel like I ate a mint I get this icy cold burn feeling from my nose to my stomach/ or lungs it just hurts to breath.
What would you do in my shoes??
I'm scared. I don't want to die. I may be jumping the line there. But right now serving my kids their dinner I was shaky. I just needed to lay down. I took a big gulp of gaviscon and I'm just trying to calm the nerves. I don't need. Panic attack right now. I'm still trying to figure out why yesterday I was feeling horrible and today nothing

30-07-17, 07:22
I had the same thing happen to me almost three years ago. I'll try to make this short. I had just gotten PTSD, bad, after a loss. That caused me to get super anxious; panic attacks multiple times a day, and my stomach produced a lot of acid in response.

One day before I sought treatment, I ate some spicy tacos. Later that night, I had this feeling in my chest that it was burning, with a severe sharp pain, and I felt that something was stuck in the center of my chest, like right between my boobs. Instead of realizing that it was acid reflux, I freaked out an had another panic attack because I thought it was symptoms of a panic attack. Then of course instead of doing something like taking tums or Pepto Bismol, I continued to eat acid producing foods. By the end of the week when this feeling of burning and something stuck in my chest wasn't going away, I went to the ER. They told me I just had acid reflux, GERD, and I needed to eat foods low in acid, and they put me on omeprazole for the next couple of months.

My guess is that you had the same thing happening, and your acid went down, and that's why you're feeling nothing today.

Now I don't have any issues with acid reflux because I controlled my anxiety through therapy, grief counseling, and medication. So what are you doing when you get super anxious?

30-07-17, 07:39
I had the same thing happen to me almost three years ago. I'll try to make this short. I had just gotten PTSD, bad, after a loss. That caused me to get super anxious; panic attacks multiple times a day, and my stomach produced a lot of acid in response.

One day before I sought treatment, I ate some spicy tacos. Later that night, I had this feeling in my chest that it was burning, with a severe sharp pain, and I felt that something was stuck in the center of my chest, like right between my boobs. Instead of realizing that it was acid reflux, I freaked out an had another panic attack because I thought it was symptoms of a panic attack. Then of course instead of doing something like taking tums or Pepto Bismol, I continued to eat acid producing foods. By the end of the week when this feeling of burning and something stuck in my chest wasn't going away, I went to the ER. They told me I just had acid reflux, GERD, and I needed to eat foods low in acid, and they put me on omeprazole for the next couple of months.

My guess is that you had the same thing happening, and your acid went down, and that's why you're feeling nothing today.

Now I don't have any issues with acid reflux because I controlled my anxiety through therapy, grief counseling, and medication. So what are you doing when you get super anxious?

I get the super acidic stomach when my anxiety is high too. And we eat late and spicy foods which I know I shouldn't but I can't help it. I have to have more will power. I get the pain only when I eat. Just to eat. It's been only today. So I should just watch what I eat and try to see if it goes away. :(
Thank you your post did help.
It's a common sense thing to know when it's a doctors visit symptom. My health anxiety blinds me from know the true extent of it.

30-07-17, 08:11
I understand. I hope you are getting help for your health anxiety.

30-07-17, 08:47
I keep choking on my own saliva and right now I just have a constant choked on water sensation with a headache. I can't find a comfortable position to sleep or sit. :(

30-07-17, 09:42
I keep choking on my own saliva and right now I just have a constant choked on water sensation with a headache. I can't find a comfortable position to sleep or sit. :(

That's the acid reflux, alright. It causes that tickle in the throat. I suggest an antacid for the reflux and ibuprofen for the headache. But ultimately, you will need to get a grip on your anxiety.

30-07-17, 09:44
Last night I had 3 slices of pizza and I went to bed. Woke up in the morning with a bloating feeling in my chest like I had to burp and I moved and it caused a severe sharp pain after that it felt like the pizza got stuck in my center chest. We got out for breakfast.. and my first bite was with pain down my throat like if I swallowed a whole tortilla chip. Painfully went down with it hitting a bad peak right in the center. Ever since then it's with every bite I take. Water is the same.
I fear I tore my esophagus (some of you may know it's a fear of mine)
Also when I deeply inhale it hurts and it makes it feel like I ate a mint I get this icy cold burn feeling from my nose to my stomach/ or lungs it just hurts to breath.
What would you do in my shoes??
I'm scared. I don't want to die. I may be jumping the line there. But right now serving my kids their dinner I was shaky. I just needed to lay down. I took a big gulp of gaviscon and I'm just trying to calm the nerves. I don't need. Panic attack right now. I'm still trying to figure out why yesterday I was feeling horrible and today nothing

See a doctor if it continues, but it sounds like indigestion or acid reflux. I get acid reflux if I eat the wrong things - for me it's spicy foods or fatty foods (like pizza) and worse if I mixed them with alcohol (I would throw up). With those foods acid comes up and I get burning pain and nausea. I have it under control now with diet and smaller spaced out meals. I was prescribed Omeprazole for a while which inhibits the acid, but fortunately I can manage it with diet alone mainly now.

Many many people get acid reflux, especially as we get a bit older but it can happen at any age. If I ate pizza just before bed like you did I would be ill exactly like you were. I wouldn't expect to sleep at all tbh. When you get bad indigestion or acid reflux you can't get comfy in bed. Saliva production (your other post) is what you body does as part of dealing with acid. The acid can come up and burn your esophagus.

I totally get why you are freaked. They symptoms are scary. What I would do is get an over the counter medicine (ask your pharmacist to recommend). Eat low fat, non spicy smaller meals spaced out throughout the day. Nothing late at night at all. Avoid citrus fruits and juices. Avoid caffeine and alcohol and carbonated drinks. I use other natural remedies like apple cider vinegar diluted in water to drink and fresh ginger tea, which is brilliant. I can send you a bit of info on how to make up those if you wanted. See how you are then in a week or so. If it keeps coming back see your doc obviously.

Hope you are getting help for you health anxiety.