View Full Version : Update 450mgs pregabalin

30-07-17, 15:55
Just a little update

On pregabalin 450mgs 3 weeks now and I increased my prozac to 40mgs 1.5 weeks ago.
I have noticed improvements but still up and down alot.
I ate out on Friday which I had not done since March so that is definitely an improvement but then on Saturday when I went out for a walk I felt off and went home and was on the verge of a panic attack for a while but I was still in control.
I am hoping it is just side effects from the prozac increase and I will stabalise more soon.
Even though I am improving its really frustrating with the ups and downs and its taking forever to get my life back. The last few days I am also having what I suppose are racing thoughts at times. Just feels like everything is going round and round in my head which is a bit unsettling. Its sp hard to just keep telling myself to just hold on another couple of weeks and you'll be better etc. I have been sayign this since March :scared15:

Anyway, just needed to offload....

30-07-17, 18:33
I know this is very easy to say and very difficult to do but (unless I am reading this incorrectly) you are most probably getting some benefit from the Pregabalin and should appreciate that.

Unfortunately there are always going to be 'ups and downs' but if it is helping to heighten the ups ("ate out") and manage the downs("...but I was still in control") then take that as a positive improvement as you work towards a solution.

I understand (from first-hand experience!) the frustration, but progress is still progress.

Hope things improve further,


01-08-17, 19:02
Thanks and yes progress is definitely progress which I had more of today. I think the increase in prozac is starting to help now so hopefully will see even more progress over the next few weeks.

02-08-17, 04:15
Good luck!

04-08-17, 15:29
Hope it's going okay

05-08-17, 17:52
My psych advices me to not overly obsess with progress and how soon i'll be "better".

Try focus on enjoying each day as much as you can (find a positive) and think of the ups and down like the weather. Sometimes it's nice, sometimes it isn't, you can't control it.

08-08-17, 18:26
Thank you all for the support.
Ya I tend to be hard on myself but luckily my boyfriend reminds me of how bad I was and to praise myself for everything I am achieving.
Today I made another improvement by actually buying things in the shops and I waited in line at the post office. I was hoping to try get on a bus but I chickened out when it turned up.
Its like I am improving with what I am doing but in my head I feel like I might go mad or something. Just the anxiety I guess but I dunno my thoughts just seem a little fast at times and I get these pressure type headaches where I can't focus and comes with pre panic attack feelings.
I would probably do better if I was out and about or at work etc as I wouldn't be so focused inwards on what I am feeling all the time plus would be nice to be around people properly again but I need a little longer I guess......

11-08-17, 23:18
Hi turnaround. I've been on 450mg for a week now. Sometimes I feel it's working but I'm still getting occasional bouts of tension which for me result in muscle aches and weakness. I suspect though that I recover a bit quicker from these episodes. Also generally I've been a bit less confrontational and more accepting of annoying people lol. Last weekend a car overtook us dangerously and normally I would have been angry but I just chuckled instead. That's got to be progress. I don't feel fixed. I'm on diazepam today because I tried running 3 miles - I succeeded but I caused a massive amount of muscle tension and without the diazepam I'd be curled up in pain. Everyone experiences anxiety and tension differently so not sure if you identify with any of this! Toying with trying the max 600 dosage though I haven't talked to my doc about it. Thoughts anyone?

22-08-17, 22:25
I Montyzoo

What are you taking the pregabalin for? Pain rather than anxiety? Glad you are seeing an improvement. Not sure about the increase to 600mgs. As far as I know there isnt much benefit passed the 450 mark but up to you if you want to try it. I guess we all react differently to the doses.
I am still on the 450 mgs but it hasn't fixed me fully