View Full Version : Onset of paranoia or anxiety?

30-07-17, 16:00
There is a man who lives near me, who has a bad reputation. He allegedly beats his wife, and has been involved in something which he got sent to prison for. Anyways, he has some friends around the area and he is also friends with my neighbour, who I also talk to sometimes. My neighbour is very friendly and always asks how I am, how my family are etc.

The other day I left my house with my girlfriend and this guy (not my neighbour, the other one), was standing on the other side of the road, and he looked at me (my mind tells me he was staring, he probably wasn't). Since then, I have been worried that he is going to approach me, or that all the niceness from my neighbour is fake and they are actually not nice people.

I'm worried that they dislike me for some reason, and I'm worried about being robbed or worse (my area isn't that safe), and I've done the dreaded google search and BANG. Paranoid schizophrenia pops up. "Feeling as if neighbours are plotting against you."

I have no hallucinations and i don't believe I have superpowers etc, ive always been a bit socially awkward but no more than usual. Could this be the onset of paranoia? Or is it just anxiety?

EDIT: Currently I am not afraid to go outside but I'm worried that in the future I may have trouble going outside. I really am confused whether this is normal anxiety or something is seriously wrong with me.

31-07-17, 05:11
It's human nature to have these thoughts considering the individuals past , and conspiracy theories involving your neighbors as well, but when it leads to causing you to become a prisoner in your own home that's not normal. Always put it in the back of your mind but don't let it control you. If you see this thought of your neighbors and the ex convict affecting your life then there is an underlying problem. I suggest therapy or some type of home security to help you get a piece of mind. You got this :yesyes: im not in any way shape or form to give this type of advice so this is all just a suggestion

31-07-17, 05:40
Paranoia & anxiety are often found together. Some people's themes in OCD are about being harmed by others hence paranoia comes in too.

I've had paranoia in mine and always found it to come at the worst stages of my anxiety.

But you also need to remember that like anxiety, paranoia is experienced by all people. There is an enormous difference to the paranoia experienced in delusion or psychosis because they can't see outside of it being real & true.

What do you know about this guy? He's been to prison. Ok, how many people within a few streets of you have been to prison or committed crimes that they haven't been caught for? You probably walk past people all day who've committed crimes. It could be for a petty crime, it doesn't mean be is a violent offender.

He "allegedly" abuses his wife. But how likely is it to be true or could it be BS that people circulate for various reasons?

If you Google this you are bound to see Schizophrenia mentioned just as Googling symptoms of your anxiety can bring up a load of cancers.