View Full Version : Feeling like I can't do this anymore

30-07-17, 18:10
Oh god where do I start? Basically I did my first post the other day that I was diagnosed with GAD in 2009
My psychiatrist has recently said it's now severe GAD and I'm literally struggling to get through each day now. I've been in a psychiatric hospital, I was put on flipping 6 different sleeping tablets (not all at the same time) none of them really worked!
I had a phone call from hell last Tuesday (I was absolutely fine like seconds before) but this stupid social worker worked me up so much (first contact from being discharged from the crisis team)
Anyway I was in complete rage I think. We were driving through central London and I just got the urge to get out and disappear into the crowds.
It actually got as bad as the next day I said to my mum I can't fight this anymore I've got no fight left in me anymore.
That night I took the step to try and not take a sleeping tablet and I slept??!!

It took me 2 days to get the dog out of my brain from the phone call.

Anyway today I've had a similar situation about prescription medication from Boots that they lost for my husband.

I'm so frustrated that I put my shoes on and said to my husband I can't put up with this crap anymore I'm off. And I drove away from home.

It's just like something snaps and I'm drowning all over again. My brain just feels like it's in control of me and it's all because of the build up of an anxiety state, heightened anxiety from a situation, anxiety because a situation has worked me up and I just - I don't know anymore!!

The psychiatrist I was seeing was private and it's just too expensive now.

I just feel like I'm never going to get over this and get better. It's just like 1 step forward 500 back and I can't cope anymore. My brain just hurts from this constant fog!!

Edited - I even got this text from my mum! My husband keeps saying there's nothing to it but this is also upsetting me!

'We're ok, stop worrying and put your phone away!!! I'm not going to keep texting and I'll see you one day in the week whichever day suits you xx'

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