View Full Version : stomach and nausea problems for over a month now. 18yrs old, depressed, please help!

31-07-17, 01:51
I'm new here and I looked around the whole forum but couldn't figure out where to post this... so I decided that this forum would fit it best.. sorry if it isn't supposed to be here.

This is kind of a long story, but thank you to anyone that sits through it..

I'm 18 years old, this was supposed to be the summer of my life. I was super happy, super excited, extremely satisfied with my life. Then all of a sudden, I started having stomach problems and I've stooped into a deep depression. It's like a new me, and it scares me, and I don't know how to get out of this.

Starting around June 19th, I started having stomach problems after a couple weeks of eating nothing but microwaved food and garbage. My symptoms began with no appetite, indigestion, felt bloated all the time, nauseous, after I eat I would feel super tired and light headed. I even had an episode where I woke up in the middle of the night dry heaving, it was an awful feeling.

Went to the doctor, and she diagnosed me with indigestion, and that not eating well while not exercising at all was the culprit. I was in a hurry to get better, and I started taking walks every day. Mornings were the worst, afternoons were alright.

Weeks went by and I ended up going back to the doctors literally 5 times I felt really, really bad. I was worried that I had something bacterial like H Pylori so I went and got a blood and stool test. My blood was perfectly fine except for a lack of vitamin D (from not being outside enough, which has now changed). My stool was also fine. So nothings wrong with me...?

At the start of the week I also started taking fluoxetine. At the time, I reported that I felt no side effects because I was feeling really bad in general already, so I honestly couldn't tell if there were side effects.

I also started taking pepcid AC, to help my acid feeling which it actually did help.

So fast forward to today, July 30th, and here's where I am. I used to have problems with a lump and tightness feeling in the back of my throat. That ended up going away after around 2 weeks. I still feel tight throat sometimes, but it's not as bad. I'm not feeling AS bad as a month ago, but I still feel pretty terrible.

I stopped taking fluoxetine because we decided that I'm having more of a negative reaction to it rather than a positive.

My symptons right now are: low appetite, bloated feeling after I eat kinda like my stomach and intestines are a thinly stretched balloon, car sickness-like feeling, having to poop a lot, and when I wake up I have a huge urge of needing to poop.

After researching and stuff, my mother and I both think that this could be side effects of the fluoxetine.

I was on fluoxetine for about 4 1/2 weeks. I started out taking 10mg once every other day, then once every day, to 20mg a day (for 3 days, and those 3 days I felt my symptons heighten, which is why we think it's due to fluoxetine), back to 10mg once every other day, and then I stopped.

The last day I took fluoxetine was July 25th, and I read online that it takes about a week for half of it to get out of my system. I'm hoping that what I'm feeling right now are the side affects of the fluoxetine still lingering in me...

I think I've been getting better but I honestly can't tell too much because I'm just extremely depressed and I'm very gloomy about everything now...

Sorry for typing so much, I guess you guys can just see how mental I am about this right now.

I hope my symptoms are the fluoxetine side affects and will go away after a week... are they?? i don't know!!

02-08-17, 10:37
uurghh I'm sorry you're having such a rough time.
It's completely understandable you're feeling so depressed in response to this. I don't have any experience with fluoxetine but I hope you're right and your symptoms pass.

Best wishes