View Full Version : anxiety after prozac

31-07-17, 09:23
hi, i came off 40mg of prozac back in february after a very fast taper. i've since read up a lot more on stopping and the 10% taper method and can see i came off too fast. it's left me with a huge amount of anxiety. i took the pills for 20 years to help my ocd but they no longer worked. my ocd in general is under control but it's this constant feeling of fear i can't shake, especially in the mornings -i wake up in terror even though there is nothing to be frightened of, and am scared of everything from getting an unexpected bill in the post to worrying myself sick about the kids when they go out. i've got a constant 'stomach in my boots' feeling.
has anyone else had this after coming off antidepressants and if so how did you deal with it? i've been reading self help books but i find the methods they teach very hard to put into practice :scared15:

31-07-17, 16:50
If that was me i would have tapered straight on to another SSRI . like ESCITALORAM . you was on a ssri 20 years you no they work . now your body has 20 years of catching up to do :shades: