View Full Version : Enlarged lymph node

31-07-17, 11:19
Hi everyone I'm new to this - but I'm worried sick about a lump in my neck and after reading online I'm even more worried. I have been to the doctors twice for a second opinion and was reassured it's only a lymph node. I have a lump on the left side of my neck on the muscle and is movable and soft. The doctor said it's small and nothing to worry about check it does get bigger ect.. I'i noticed it about 4 weeks ago, but to have blood tests anyway. I do suffer from health anxiety but i am really worried about this node. I am not ill or anything, I do have a cough in the mornings but I think that's due to smoking. I don't have any other symptoms, the doctor even said the lymph node might not go, it might just stay permanently but the doctors wasnt worried and said it felt fine. The second doctor said to go back in a couple of weeks and will refer me to the net. If I'm still worried, the second doctor was a lot more reassuring! Also my two lymph nodes under my neck that everyone can feel are slightly swollen. Im 22, I smoke but do want to give up, I haven't lost any weight, if anything put on weight. But this is interfering in my work ect .. as I'm just constantly googling and worrying! Has anyone have an idea what this could be or experienced this before?

31-07-17, 17:58
I'm sure there's no need to worry...

---------- Post added at 17:49 ---------- Previous post was at 17:43 ----------

Trust your doctor. Lymph nodes go up and down all the time. Part of the body's natural processes. Doctors are well trained in feeling people's necks and they know when there's a problem.

---------- Post added at 17:51 ---------- Previous post was at 17:49 ----------

The thing with anxiety is it makes us hypersensitive and hyper aware. Ironically just talking about this I can feel my lymph nodes! What feels like a harmless little swelling to the doctor feels enormous to you!

---------- Post added at 17:56 ---------- Previous post was at 17:51 ----------

But don't be a contradiction! Smoking and hypochondria don't mix! I quit four years ago. Best thing I ever did! The good news for you is, quit at 22 and there's almost zero chance of getting a smoking related disease.

You know what you have to do!!!

---------- Post added at 17:58 ---------- Previous post was at 17:56 ----------

(And stop googling!)