View Full Version : enlarged lymph node

31-07-17, 11:29
Hi everyone I'm new to this - but I'm worried sick about a lump in my neck and after reading online I'm even more worried. I have been to the doctors twice for a second opinion and was reassured it's only a lymph node. I have a lump on the left side of my neck on the muscle and is movable and soft. The doctor said it's small and nothing to worry about check it does get bigger ect.. I'i noticed it about 4 weeks ago, but to have blood tests anyway. I do suffer from health anxiety but i am really worried about this node. I am not ill or anything, I do have a cough in the mornings but I think that's due to smoking. I don't have any other symptoms, the doctor even said the lymph node might not go, it might just stay permanently but the doctors wasnt worried and said it felt fine. The second doctor said to go back in a couple of weeks and will refer me to the net. If I'm still worried, the second doctor was a lot more reassuring! Also my two lymph nodes under my neck that everyone can feel are slightly swollen. Im 22, I smoke but do want to give up, I haven't lost any weight, if anything put on weight. But this is interfering in my work ect .. as I'm just constantly googling and worrying! Has anyone have an idea what this could be or experienced this before?

31-07-17, 15:35
What your doctor is referring to when they mean it might not go down is something we call a "Shoddy Lymph Node" sometimes lymph nodes do not go down and will remain raised. Do not touch it and do not poke it. You will irritate the lymph node if you continue to exam it and it will stay raised. The lump you talked about is nothing to worry about, lumps are part of the body, it's only if the lump is hard and immovable would the doctor be concerned.

Sometimes lymph nodes swell even without illness. And sometimes your body goes through a minor infection without you noticing. Lymph nodes swell, its how they fight infections. If your doctor isn't concerned then you should be okay :) Try not to poke it or it'll end up becoming sore. Trust me I went through this exact obsession a couple of years ago and now I have a couple of nodes that are permanently swollen. :blush:

31-07-17, 16:18
Thanks for your reply, it's good to hear some reassurance and someone who has experienced the same thing. I keep poking it try to figure out if it's getting bigger or not, I worried myself so much the other day I had to book an on the day doctors appointment that was for the second opinion. but I think I just need to leave it alone and stop irritating it. Thanks for your reply :) anxiety is horrible, I have health anxiety and just literally worry myself sick when I find any changes in my body so no your definitely not insane! :)