View Full Version : So sick of feeling this way..

16-05-07, 15:09
hi all,

i need to let this out...I've had anxiety issues for about 5 years now and i was doing really well, full time job, promoted within a year at being at the company. things were still hard but i got cope now everything's gone wrong! Got so stressed out at work i was losing weight and feeling terrible, wasnt really going anywhere then about 2 and half weeks ago had a massive panic attack. Hadnt had one in ages so it was a real shock. Now finding everything is struggle. i'm ok going out, driving wherever but im so nervous im going to have a panic attack again! i had it sat at home and the only thing that calmed me down was laying still on my bed. I dont understand why this is happening again when i was doing so well, im only 22 and dealt with alot over the years i just want a break, not to feel like this!! Im trying hard to stay positive, believe in the hope tomorrow brings but its hard. Im on 10mg Citalopram (i tried to go higher, i made me really sick) and seeing a therapist. but i know the answer is in me...just dont know what it is!!!

And breathe...rant over!:yesyes:


16-05-07, 15:21
hi. I know how you feel, i get the same way too. I have been suffering with panic attacks for 15 years now and thought i had them under control and then from no where they reappeared last week, and it was very scary. I find that i can deal with them if slow down, start doing my breathing exercises again and set myself litttle targets everyday. But most importantly dont fight the attacks it makes them worse and remember its only a panic attack and its not the end of your life. This is how i deal with them hope it helps. Sam

16-05-07, 15:32
Hi Jen,

Stress does tend to push the adrenalin levels up a bit - and losing weight couldn't have helped. Vicious circle isn't it?

Do you eat regular meals? When I'm stressed out I find eating 'little and often' helps because I just can't stomach big meals then. This also helps to keep your blood sugar levels steady.

The fear of another panic attack is the worst - and I wouldn't dare say to you 'stop fearing that' , just like that. But ultimately that is what you have to try and do. Try and think of how you will meet a panic attack if it happens, imagine yourself 'going with the flow' or 'riding the wave' and then coming out the other side and how positive this will make you feel.

I don't wish to make it sound easy - I know it isn't, but I hope you might give it a try?

Thinking of you


18-05-07, 20:09
thanks for your replies x

18-05-07, 20:50
Hi there...
I just have to say how fantastic you are doing by still carrying on your normal life despite the panic attack. I had a couple of panic attacks recently after not having one for 18 months and i am now terrified of going out again! When they just arrive out of nowhere is the worse, especially after not having one for ages.
As for worrying about them.....don't we all. Today i went out and felt SOOO sick. My stomach was tense, i felt shocking, heart racing, convinced i was going to puke in Sainsburys.....lovely! Of course i didn't - but still!

Anticipatory anxiety is the bain of my life. I wish i could offer some good advice...sadly i can't :(
