View Full Version : Heart anxiety..Is this normal?

31-07-17, 22:34

I suffer from so much health anxiety, and this week has not helped as I've suddenly developed these palpations (I've never had anything like it before)
I noticed several days ago I started having more noticeable heart beats than normal and feels like those kind of thuds you get when your walking fast.
I get this thud about every minute or so or less, and sometimes there is more than one. Before they happen there's always this weird, empty feeling. They happen all day and at night for close to a week now and they never go away. I lose sleep over it.

I went to see my doctor and he said what I was describing sounded like Ectopic heartbeats which he said is normal, and he did an ECG and listened to my heart and he thinks its fine. They also want me to have a blood test, heart ultrasound and a 24 hour ECG in next few weeks.

I'm still panic stricken by it though, mainly as I am away from home right now from where my doctor is. Despite going to the doctors I feel something terrible might happen like a heart attack if the palps keep happening.. I don't feel breathless or dizzy and think I'm fine.
I'm young too and don't drink, smoke or have drugs but I have severe eczema.. I've had recent anxiety these palps are caused my eczema, and that constant skin inflammation is causing some sort of heart disease.

Has anyone had something similar where they come every minute every day? Can eczema cause problems with the heart?

Thanks :)

01-08-17, 07:12
Hi Stuckman,

Hope you're feeling OK at the moment, anxiety is a total rain cloud sometimes.
From my understanding, ectopic beats are very common. It's almost abnormal not to have any! If it's any consolation, I've been through a similar thing, with very regular ectopic beats. Had a full work-up, ECG, echocardiogram, blood tests, the works, all to be told my heart was completely normal! Once I had the all clear, the anxiety disappeared and so did the palpitations. By the sounds of it you are young and healthy, making it extraordinarily unlikely that something is wrong with your heart. I'm gonna bet that your tests all come back clear :)

As for the eczema, from what I understand there is no link between it and heart disease. :yesyes:

01-08-17, 19:32

Thanks so much for your reply and your reassurance about my heart :)