View Full Version : Seroquel and Puffy eyes anyone?

01-08-17, 00:58
Hello there, i am a 46 male taking seroquel on and off for many years and i have noticed that every time i start taking seroquel for my anxiety and panic, i develop a very big bags under my eyes, also develop long ugly lines under my eyes , makes me look like 15 years older ,i really don't like them but i am passing through a very bad time in my life with my anxiety and panic so i had to comeback to seroquel this med seems to help with my symptoms of fear and anxiety but the eye bags under my eyes plus the long ugly lines makes feel very bad kind of depressed because on one side i start feel better with my panic
and anxiety but on the other side i became 15 years older!; so i was wondering if anyone here have had the same side effect and have any idea how to fix it or treat it? ; I really appreciate any suggestions to my question .
Thank you so much