View Full Version : Sharing my good news!!!!

Granny Primark
16-05-07, 20:31
As most of you know my daughter is pregnant.
Today was her 20 week scan and she asked to find out the sex of the baby.
Im having a grandaughter.:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:
Me and her dad are overjoyed. In fact we all are.
We even got the chance to see her on the scan. I cant tell you how it felt to see the baby.
Im so pleased were having another grandaughter. The reason being is that weve got a grandaughter age 2 already. Little Lauren is my sons child. However because of a stupid family argument we dont see her. Im just hoping and praying now the rift can be healed and my 2 little grandaughters in the future will form a close friendship and bond.
Can I also add that last week my daughter was on holiday with her partner in majorca.
Whilst she was away as many of you know me and my hubby did a makeover on her babies bedroom, their bathroom and their back garden.
It took enormous will power to do this on my behalf cus i had to go to Focus on my own to get some things. I havent been able to go any shops on my own for over 12 months.
It was a real challenge. But one that was so worthwhile when we saw the look of disbelief on hers and her partners face yesterday.
Anyways enough of me gabbling on now :sign20:
Granny primarks a happy bunny now.:yesyes:
One more thing before I go.
My daughter would love a welsh name for her baby and I know theres quite a few welsh people on the site. I would be grateful for any suggestions so I can pass them on to her.
Were not welsh but my surname is Jones and my maiden was Edwards which I believe both are welsh names.

Take care

16-05-07, 20:36
Congratulations, what wonderful news, wish them all the best from me!
Well done to you for the work that you have done and accompished going to 'focus', that is great. I could go to the shop myself but wouldn't be able to do the work, so there you go, you've done great.
:hugs: :yesyes: :D :flowers:

16-05-07, 20:47
http://www.magicwondertags.com/baby_girl_in_carriage.gif...Wooohoooo!!! What great news Lynn!!

And well done you for that amazing task! Your daughter is a very lucky girl !! I daren't attempt anything like that........especially in the forbidden 'P' colour! But, for you, I make an exception..........


My youngest daughter is due to give birth tomorrow!..........first child for her and her partner, second granchild for me....don't know what make it is yet though....got to wait and see hehe!

Thanks for sharing your lovely news - and yes, I hope this will herald a time of healing for you and your family too.

Big hugs,


16-05-07, 20:50
WOW WOW WOW:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:


You so deserve this and Im sure this time it will all be fine!!!:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

16-05-07, 20:54
Oooh, congratulations!

There are quite a few Welsh names that I like myself!


Oh and my niece is called Sian!


16-05-07, 21:02
Congratulations Lynn. I am really happy for you :)

Karen xx

Granny Primark
16-05-07, 21:06
Thanks I love the name carys and my daughters partner loves the name megan.
Im sure theyre must be welsh in me cus I just love the welsh people and their accents.

Take care

16-05-07, 21:13

What lovely news !!

Im realy pleased for you!:) :)



17-05-07, 12:14
Congratulations Lynn hun!!!
How exciting!!!
Heres some name ideas......
Meghan, Caitlin, Rianna, Morgan, Bethan and Seren.
They are all pretty popular here especially seren... which means star!!!

17-05-07, 15:41
Hi Lynn, i met you at the Trentham meet and you were telling me all about daughter and her pregnancy, it is so exciting when you see them on the scan, i bet you can't wait for her to be born and hopefully your son will want his daughter to know her cousin. My younger daughter is Megan but when i was younger i holidayed in wales and became good friends with a girl who had a baby called Cariad, i think it sounds lovely and it means child of love in welsh, if i'd had another daughter i would have called her this

Jacq x

17-05-07, 17:57
Glad to hear some good news from you lyn. and it,s your birthday too.:yesyes:

17-05-07, 18:08
ahhhh thats lovely , My mother in law tells me a baby would take my mind off my anxiety......I dont believe it ,lol.

congrats !!!

17-05-07, 18:25
Wow...congratulations Lynn, thats great news. I think Welsh names are lovely too! Whatever your daughter chooses I'm sure will be just right.

luv Coni XX

17-05-07, 20:17
Congratulations :D :D thats fantastic news!!!