View Full Version : Pulsing in stomach

01-08-17, 19:15
All day ive been feeling a bubbling sort of pulsing in the area above my belly button, im struggling to think it's IBS. I was in a&e due to panic attack yesterday and they did a blood test and ECG and said it looked normal to him, he even felt my stomach aswell.. but i'm scared i'm gonna have an aortic aneurysm at 26. :( I've barely eaten because of the anxiety and im wondering if because ive lost so much weight its made things worse. I've started taking Citalopram again at 10mg so hoping it starts helping soon. Ive felt this way for days. :(

01-08-17, 19:35
Probably because you're not eating, along with all the stress recently. Also, citalopram can cause stomach upset, so try and eat something when you take it - even if it's a biccie or some toast.

The pulsing sensation is unnerving but not serious - nor a sign of an aortic aneurysm.

01-08-17, 19:57
Thank you. I'm really hoping it is that. it's just very uncomfortable.

03-08-17, 09:23
It's worse in the mornings and at night when i'm laying down, it feels like it's just constantly pulsing and i feel a bit nauseated, it's probably because i've dropped so much weight from barely eating the past few months but, i can't help but worry that i should get myself to hospital or something, despite doctors have pressed on it, and ive had blood tests and things. :(

30-08-17, 04:31
You can feel your pulse (even without touching it, especially lying down) from having weak abdominal muscles/connective tissue. I'm thin but I've had children and this happens to me. I've had an U/S and it's definitely not an aneurysm. I've had this for years.