View Full Version : Chest Pain

Ash J
02-08-17, 10:44
Hi all,

I am trying not to freak or panic but really struggling atm...

It all started yesterday, I pushed myself to go out and didn't feel too bad but as soon as I stepped in the store I had a stabbing pain shoot through my heart. This panicked me a little so when I got home I took a diazepam. About 3 hours later I started to get sharp aches in my chest (all over chest and feels deep) and an aching tense upper back which seemed persistent for many hours...I didn't sleep at all last night due to worry and this morning my upper back is really aching and still getting twinges in my chest. I'm really concerned as I don't usually get this much discomfort...

I had an ECG done 3 weeks ago which was normal but I don't understand why I'm now getting so much discomfort. My posture has not been great but usually stretch out regularly to ease any muscle tension.

I really don't know what to do. I do have cardio related HA so my brain is telling me to call 111 or see the Dr but I know this will anger my partner who is getting fed up with my anxiety issues..

Any advice is appreciated.:weep:

02-08-17, 16:32
Hi there

See the doctor if it will calm your fears, no matter what your partner says or does! However, if you can get over it without going that would be great too!

I am sure it's all tension, it sounds like it. I get it a lot too and sometimes chest pain can be indigestion or acid.

I know that at some point you will stop thinking about it and realize that the pain is not there until you start thinking about it again. Health anxiety is cruel but lots of us have it so you are not alone, especially here. Once you get over an 'issue' on your own without adding panic and without running to the doctors for reassurance, you can do it more often, then hopefully the tension will lesson.
