View Full Version : Friends !!!!!!

17-05-07, 08:50
HI All

why do people who you thought were your friends let you down, is it any wonder i never trust anyone.
I won't go into details but i had an issue and when i told my "FRIEND" about it she promptly took it the wrong way and said a lot of hurtful things.

now we are no longer friends........... oh well

17-05-07, 09:23
Hi nanny,

Sorry to hear that - it's very painful when something like that happens. It happened to me but I manged to resolve it and we still remain friends.

Any chance you could talk to your friend and explain that they've taken what you said completely the wrong way?

It might be worth a try, if only to put them in the picture. Then it's up to them whether they chose to change their mind about it or not.

I do hope you can resolve things

Big hugs for you :hugs: :hugs:


17-05-07, 09:29
Im really sorry that happened. Hugs.
Maybe you can resolve things? Try and explain to her that you didnt mean it the way she took it.
Hope it all works out for you.
Take care hun

17-05-07, 15:22
Thankds for your replies, issue now sorted:hugs: