View Full Version : Think i am dying

17-05-07, 16:05
I am at the moment once again withdrawing from diazapams on advice of my gp ,i have come down really really slowly at a reduction of 1mg per fortnight
i am very worried about my anxiety im having bad diareea and sore stomach plus sore tight chest
i know i should be used to all this symptoms by now ,cant go to see gp as i have severe agoraphobia and am petrified he might want to do tests etc
Another symptom i am getting bad is as though i am not getting enough air hence reason sore chest i hope
sorry just want some reassurance im the world worst hyprocondiac but this symptoms are so so real and terriyfing ,lightheadness detachment u name it i have it lol
also take propranonol 15mg daily but doc wants me drug free so i've to come off them again after valliums oh the joys of being anxious etc
i have had this ten years had 2 ecgs plus heart monitor approx 3 years ago all came bk normal ,keep being told its just anxiety if only i could believe it is i might stop thinking i am about to die day in day out
anyone else feel like this or am i going nuts :shrug:

Nervous Wreck
17-05-07, 16:18
Sorry to hear you're going through such a rough time. I go through phases of being totally paranoid & thinking I could drop dead at any moment. I'm sure many people do. It seems to be an everyday part of anxiety.

I know what its like to have test results all come back fine, but still find it hard to relax about it. Every time I see my GP I come away feeling reassured, and I'm ok for a few days, but the slightest anxiety attack and I'm all paranoid again. At the moment I've managed to stay away from my GP for a month, but after a waking up to a panic attack this morning I'm wanting to go back again. You'er certainly not alone in the way you feel.

Would you be able to get a home visit from your doctor? It might make things a bit easier for you?

17-05-07, 16:50
Hello Dizzie !
Don't you just hate it when people say its "just anxiety" ! Only a fellow sufferer can understand just how crippling it can be at times. Dizzie, we all know how you are feeling. I'm glad you have a good relationship with your doctor to get you off medications - remember it is a partnership and if you're having problems your doctor needs to know about them. I think a home visit is a very sensible idea. Anxiety and panic stmptoms create havoc with every part of the body - this is what is happening to you right now. You CAN limit the severity of your symptoms by the way you think about them. It is normal that your body will react this way to coming off meds for anxiety and if you believe and understand this, then you WILL begin to feel less anxious because your mind will acknowledge that its alright to feel this way. (You might think you don't feel different, but you will in a very subtle way).
So accept what is happening as normal for you. We're all here to help you get through the next few hours and days .
Be kind to yourself

17-05-07, 21:20
Thank you all for your kind replies,what i failed to mention in my above post was i already wrote a letter asking for my gp to give me a home visit but he refuses just wrote bk and said please make an appointment for beggining or end of surgery #last time i went to see him over two years ago he scared me sensless by telling me i had severe tacychardia and if my heart rate went any faster he was going to call an ambulance,thankfully it slowed down a bit and i was sent home
i also want to mention i was dismissed by all mental health services due to not watching a film without having a panic attack even though that same week i went to a supermarket first time in seven years and was driven on a sixty mile drive by the mental health support worker to prove to me i would not die by going outwith my safety zone no i did not die but the terror alone left me bedridden and severlly traumatised for weeks afterwards :wacko:
Cpn then arrived to take me back to report to the shrink looked at my notes then stands up and very bluntly says YOUR DISMISSED AS YOU FAILED TO WATCH THE FILM ,so i lost it said shove your services if this is how you treat people maybe that was wrong of me to do that but i just felt here i was trying so so hard to get some sort of life back and i am now left with no help nothing :weep:
I also have a child with severe learning disabilites who without the support of my husband i could not care for :hugs: please forgive me for ranting on and on i just feel as though my life is over ,i try most days to get out but cannot do this alone due to my panic lightheadness etc another gp or phychiatrist is not an option where i live as it is a small town
Thank you all once again for being so supportive :flowers:

ps:bevtherev i have to confess it aint me who is the before and after champion it is my poor hubby he needs some stress relief putting up with me lol :D

17-05-07, 23:26
Hi Dizzie my dear friend

I wish there was something different that I could say to you that would make you realise that it is anxiety and that you're not dying, although it being anxiety is bad enough. Coming off of valium or any tranquillizer is very hard as you have the original anxiety + the anxiety of 'knowing' that you are not taking as many + even taking less is going to put you even more on edge.

It's very very hard when you have no support from any medical professional, especially a gp who won't come out to you when he knows how difficult it is for you to get out. I'm not quite sure but I don't think that he can actually refuse to see you knowing that you are agoraphobic, although I don't know who you can ask, maybe citizens advice? I know everything seems too hard to do and the struggle seems to uphill. You know I am only a phone call away, for what it's worth. Wish I lived nearer to you.

Dizzie, you keep your sense of humour through all of this, I don't know how you do it! My thoughts and prayers are with you always.
Take care
Lottsa luv
Elspeth xxxx

18-05-07, 14:28
Thank you so much elspeth i know how hard things are for you aswell huge huge hugs :flowers: your a star also xxxx

Thank you also sky like you said yes we do try our best no matter how hard earlier today i tried going round the block with my hubby even before going out my stomach was giving me gip plus heartrate was going over 100 bpm i was convinced i was about to have a heart attack was so lightheaded etc would i have been better not going out in this state or do i keep fighting i just dont know what to do anymore i panic in bed i panic everywhere
I swear i am losing my marbles due to the thought i have heart disease or cancer :weep:

I lost my darling father four years ago a so called specialist told him he was having a panic attack he never had panic all his life turned out it was indeed a heart attack and he died 2 days later,same thing happenened to one of my friends aged only 41,she was told to go home and pull herself together:mad:

One book i said it is good for you to go a walk when heart is racing as its supposed to calm you down what i dont get is how can you possibly calm down when your in such a panic due to lightheadness detachment racing heart etc etc
omg im off again sorry i am just so so petrified the damage has been done as i have been feeling like this now for so many years :weep:

sorry i promise to stop coming on here moaning :wacko:

Redd Wolf
30-04-09, 23:01
Hey Dizzy,

You are doing great if you are out walking around the block with your Agorophobia. it took me weeks just to walk out on my porch.

I best thing that I learned about anxiety is that it IS anxiety. its NOT arithmia or heart attack or stroke or any number of ailments or afflictions that we tell ourselves it is.

We should be so lucky to have anxiety and not the others.

We have to remind ourselves of these things daily so that we can consistently be aware of whats going on.

I dont know how much literature you have read on anxiety but I really recommend The Anxiety and Phobia workbook by Edmund J. Bourne Ph.D. It is a great book for understanding in depth what is going on.

"...and knowing is half the battle"

and you should look up what the aerobic heart rate should be for your age group and try not to worry too much unless your heart rate is above that. which you would be suprised what your heart can handle.

I read somewhere that the human heart can beat at 200 bpm for several days without taking any damage. its made to do it. Food for thought.


30-04-09, 23:05
This post is nearly 2 years old