View Full Version : terrifying new symptom

17-05-07, 16:10
Hello there
I have just had the most massive panic attack since my first one. I was sitting there minding my own business when I suddenly got a tingling tongue which was all kind of numb feeling. This then triggered what I can only presume was a panic attack. So dizzy I could hardly stand and really scared.

Anyone else know this?

Also I have just started citalopram yesterday - a side effect?

Any ideas - I need reassurance

17-05-07, 20:27
Hi Beadbabe,

Yes it's possibly a side effect if you've never had it before and you've only just started taking Citalopram - that's only my opinion as an ex Citalopram taker. I had quite a few side effects although I can't remember having this particular one - doesn't mean I didn't though....I just may not remember lol!!

I wouldn't worry, but if you want peace of mind then just see what your GP says about it?


up a ladder
17-05-07, 20:52

I would not worry too much. I am on day 9 of the Citalopram and I had a similar side effect, but I had the feeling my tongue was swelling.
The Citalopram does have some annoying side effects and until today, they were pretty acute. Fogginess, dizziness, constantly going to the loo, tingling legs and arms.
Don't worr too much, the meds will settle down. If they do not, you may need to get a different prescription.

Give it a few days and hopefully things will settle down.

18-05-07, 09:39
Hi there
That sounds much the same to me then. today I feel almost as if I don't have control of my tongue although of course I do - I can talk and I can eat so there can't be anything wrong. It is just an odd sensation.

Feeling so awful it is beyond belief, but I was feeling so bad before anyway it is difficult to know where to draw the line with what is tablets and what is not.

thanks for your reply

The Fool
15-06-07, 08:46
yes i get it it have a fit when i do i thought i was dying the first time lol but it is only panic

17-06-07, 03:28
Could be just anxiety from expecting something to happen..Maybe a soda you just drank or something you just ate made your tongue feel funny for a moment.Sometimes when I drink soda it does that just for a moment and even one time I had a massive panic attack in the car.I had been chewing regular gum for quite awhile and stopped in a store and they didnt have what i was used to and popped a couple pieces in my mouth and all of a sudden my mouth and lips and face felt numb.It was the flavoring ,I started panicing and couldn't breathe and felt wierd then realize the gum had a winter green flavoring .Needless to say no more of that and it didnt happen anymore.Its just you felt a little tingle on your tongue from something and magnified it in your mind to be a stroke or something and well that was that..But its over and when you feel that tingle forget about it ..it will go away.. just tell yourself its just a feeling and it will go away ..Happens to me alot ..Right now im typing and my fingers and left arm feel numb,but is it a stroke dont think so .. just the way im laying on the blood vessels..good luck an one day on that med isnt enough to cause you to feel anything.Maybe you were just expecting it to happen and thought it did.. good luck..