View Full Version : Wouldn't it be nice if.........

18-05-07, 02:26
Wouldn't it be nice if....... when I got discomfort in the chest, I said to myself "Oh I have indigestion, must get me some rennies", instead of "omg I'm having a heart attack, I'm gonna die"!

Wouldn't it be nice if.......I could ask someone how they were - and really mean it!!

Wouldn't it be nice if.......I wasn't so pre-occupied with myself and how I feel, and could go and do something for someone else.

Wouldn't it be nice if........ (Anyone care to add some stuff feel free)

After years of thinking about this, I have come to the conclusion that the only way to stop worrying is to not care about myself. So that leads me to this............that I really care a lot about myself!! I never thought I did but surely I wouldn't think about myself constantly if that weren't true.

Maybe I'm talking a load of nonsense, I dunno!! No-one has actually said why people suffer with their nerves, they tend to blame things in the past but I think most of the time that's a cop-out. People who had very nice childhoods suffer with anxiety, so that can't be it.

Right, I vow from now that I will think of everyone but myself, I'll let ya know how I get on.:shades:


18-05-07, 05:07
Wouldn't it be nice if....
eating tons of chocolate made you lose weight and gave you a glowing complextion?????

Wouldn't it be nice if ....
men had to deal with PMS, cramps or pregnancy for just one day?????

Wouldn't it be nice if....
my kids said 'no Mom you take a break and WE will clean up around the house'???

Wouldn't it be nice if....
I could stop 'what ifing' so much and just enjoy the moment for once??

Ok I know some were a little out there but they're my fantasies - OK??:blush::winks:
