View Full Version : BP

18-05-07, 05:06
When I first started getting my PA's my doc did all sorts of testing and of course everything is fine. Even though I don't believe so. But one of the things he did was seen me home with a hbp kit to take my bp 3x a day becasue at the office is was always high.
At home it's totally normal.

I myself went out and bought a hbp kit to follow my readings. I sometimes check it 10 times a day always normal.
I wanna think if I was dying like I believe I am my bp would be high.
I think my highest reading today was 119/76 totally fine.

Does anyone have a hbp and take it all the time? My hubby told me he was going to junk it:weep:

18-05-07, 09:53
I used to take mine all the time but got sick of it when it was always normal
Phill :shades:

18-05-07, 11:47
I have never taken mine at home. I wouldnt ever buy one or any home testing kits because i think that would make me paranoid. I did have a period of weighing myself about 10 times a day though and it grew to be a real obbsession. The best way i found of stopping is to take the scales or in your case the hbp kit away. I know that wont be easy. Yoour doctor said you should take it 3 times a day so why not have set times to do it and then hide the kit away so you dont have to look at it and be reminded of it.
Take care hun. Hope it gets better for you

18-05-07, 13:29
Ah my specialised subject ;)

I have a BP monitor, I am not obsessed though, bit I did have it customised to match my shirt because it was becoming more like a fashion accessory than a medic aid.

My BP went high at the docs (White coat syndrome) but at home its usually under 140/90, the magic numbers.

119/76 is not just a good reading, its a great reading, 120/80 is classed as optimal.

Docs are more interested in people whose BP is constantly over 140/90, even at rest/relaxed so I wouldn't worry about your readings, you are fine :yesyes:

I do know what you mean though, I had to stop using mine so much as a pack of batteries a day was getting expensive.

If my monitor was a woman, I would divorce her.



P.S. There is a BP monitor on Ebay, pin-striped if you are interested ppl :shades:

18-05-07, 13:34
Jaco - rofl you noggin!

I too have a monitor as I seem to behave in an exceptionally ridiculous manner at the doctors!! However I can assure you the attraction soon wears off and now I just do it a few times a year.

Piglet :flowers: