View Full Version : Neighbour from hell!

18-05-07, 13:50
I've lived at my present home for 8 years in July and i've NEVER once had any confrontational incident, until now. My home is MY safe place and right now, i don't feel confortable. Anxiety levels = SKY HIGH.

We had new neighbours move in last summer and since then its been hellish.
Our houses are joined (as part of a little terrace row) and for the last year i've had to put up with her children constantly riding 2 mini moto bikes. This stops up from having our doors/windows open and also we can't hear our TV while its on. The bike fumes come into my kitchen and aggrevates my asthma. The children are rude and disrespectful. They walk all over my garden and last week there were her children + friends sitting on my teeny picket fence and now its broken. Apart from knocking on the window to get the children away from my garden i've not said a single word to her or her children about any matter. A couple of days later i find dog sh*t on my patio and several pieces of rubbish....i have no dog and i don't just throw litter in my back garden.

2 weeks ago Friday i was in town and my next door but one neighbour stopped me in the street, (out of the 8 years i've lived her, i have spoken to her maybe 5 times, i keep myself to myself and thats the way i like it.) She tells me of an issue she's got going with my neighbour and i listen. We speak about how the mini moto is annoying us and we go our separate ways.

Last night i was putting out my rubbish and my next door but one neigbour came over for a chat. We were standing there for about an hour and the whole time my neighbour was listening at her window (along with her children). As far as i was concerned, i was standing on my property chatting with a neighbour - nothing wrong with that, is there!?

This morning i get up and my front path is COVERED in broken eggs and by the way they landed there is NO DOUBT where they were thrown from, in fact, its a direct line from my neighbours front door. After she'd done the school run my husband went out an had a "little chat". He confronted her about the eggs and she did not deny it. She said that last night when i was chatting, when she came to the door, we stopped so she "assumed" we were talking about her....MY BACK WAS TOO THE HOUSE, unless i have eyes in the back of my head i had NO clue what was happening behind me. Anyway, IF i was talking about her, i am an adult, i can to who and what i like without worrying about consequences. My husband said to her that he wanted the mess cleaned off my path right away - she did!!!!! Guilty? I reckon.

Since my husband does odd and very long shifts i am alone most of the time. In the day time its not so bad, i'm not so worried about the mother, its her 15 year old daughter and her friends that i am concerned about. I am dreading from 4pm cause they'll all be hanging around outfront and i don't even like going to the dustbin. I got my little boy to put the rubbish out a couple of days ago and one of the children shouted to him "What you doing freak?" How mean is that? My son is 8 years old.

I'm scared to go out and scared to stay in.


18-05-07, 14:42
Oh you poor thing. How horrid to feel threatened by neighbours.

The positive point is that your neighbour did do as your husband told her. So she is obviously is aware her behaviour is not acceptable.

Are they tennants or own the house? But either way make a diary of incidents and take photos so you have evidence if you have to complain.

Try to keep on going out as usual. Do not take any notice of any name calling as they are obviously Stig of the Dumps and have no sense at all.

How do you get on with the nextdoor but one neighbour? Could you get her phone number in case there are issues when your husband is not there so you could just phone her for a chat? She's obviously suffering from their behaviour too.

18-05-07, 14:53
Hard one to comment on this.

I had a problem with neighbours a few years back, a couple of lads, music, abuse etc but it was dealt with swiftly.

This could escalate into a running battle if you let it. Is this woman approachable?

What about cards on the table time. One problem is the mini-motor bikes which are illegal. One route could be to inform the Police about the bikes but I would be inclined to politely knock on her door when she is alone, introduce yourself, and explain nicely what the problem is.

Give her an opportunity to say her piece if she has any issue with you, then see if you can agree to work together towards a more peaceful relationship/solution.

The alternative could be constant arguing and your neighbour (and kids) becoming more anti-social towards you.

Sometimes people respond surprisingly positive to a friendly approach, even if they are in the wrong, and you need to swallow your pride a little.

If that doesn't work, then its council involvment, they will want a diary of dates and incidents and it can all become a bit of a mare.

Have a go at taking the moral high ground and offer the olive branch, you have nothing to lose IMHO.



18-05-07, 15:09
Awwww Bluebell :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

It must be awful to have to deal with that kind of nasty behaviour. Especially as you have anxiety and this is affecting your "safe zone".
Like others have said, are they tenants or homeowners?
If tenants you can always complain to the landlord about their behaviour and make sure you note down when the incidents happen and if possible take pics for proof.
It is a shame some people are this horrible and I can completly sympathise with you as I used to have nasty neighbours but fortunatly enough they moved and we now have quite nice neighbours.
I hope this matter gets resolved soon.
Keep us updated and if you need someone to talk to feel free to pm me hun :hugs:

Laura xxx:flowers: