View Full Version : Back again........

10-11-04, 20:39

Its been a while since i posted anything here, i've been generally feeling much better (until today). Almost got round to posting in the 'Success Stories' section a couple of weeks ago but couldn't quite bring myself to do it:)

I'm having a bad day today. I know exactly what's brought it on, and i can rationally explain most of my symptoms, just can't convince myself that everything's going to be okay.

I went out to meet a few friends last night, first time i've been out in ages and had a few drinks. The evening out was great, i caught up with some people i've not seen for ages, didn't feel at all anxious and i was really glad i'd made the effort. Unfortunately, i drank a bit more than i'm used to, only three pints, but it's been a long time since i've been to the pub:)

To cut a long story short, i didn't manage to get any sleep last night (always messes with my head), and have felt utterly wretched all day today, feeling confused, disorientated, and have had constant palpatations and irregular heart beat since i got home last night.

Just a bit disillusioned that everything can fall back so far in such a short amount of time. Trying to get myself through to bedtime without letting it get to me too much (hopefully things will look better in the morning).

Andy (pootle)

10-11-04, 20:49
hello Andy,

It's understandable that you feel so rough today after a night on the beers. I haven't had a drink in over a year but can imagine how unwell I would feel if I had a few. I'm sure that you will feel much better in the morning!!

Sarah :D

10-11-04, 20:53
Hi Andy

Sorry to hear you've had a bad day. It doesn't help not having much sleep. It seems like you've been doing well until now, so try to look at it as just a blip.

I hope tomorrow is better for you.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

10-11-04, 21:13
Hi Andy

Good to see you again.

Alchol is a killer isn't it. I have hardly had a drop in over 3 weeks now (not through choice lol) but when I had a couple at the weekend it went straight to my head.

Hangovers are killers for panic & anxiety aren't they?

Just try to remind yourself that there is a very good reason that you are suffering and all the problems are NOT coming back.

You overdid it and your body is reminding you of that.

It was a one-off day and you will be back on track tomorrow ok? Just don't let it linger over into tomorrow and then you will be ok.

Hope you get a good nights sleep.

Watch out for that 3rd pint next time lol



10-11-04, 21:41
Hi Andy,

Sorry you are feeling unwell after your night out.
You are doing sooo well:D
Its a well known fact that if you have a skin full of
bears you only sleep half the amount of time you
have slept, so if you has 8 hours sleep you have
only had 4.
Once you have a good night sleep things will calm
keep those postive thoughts going, to much bear


10-11-04, 21:50

**Just a bit disillusioned that everything can fall back so far in such a short amount of time**

Nothing has fallen back - you are having a direct reaction to the alcohol/sugar combination.

As it gets out of your system you will feel better. Going for 3 pints straight off after none for a while was bound to have this sort of effect.

Next time have a pint and see how you go and expose yourself slowly to it again.


You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

10-11-04, 23:07

Thank you for all of your replies, they are appreciated. I'm feeling more positive now, i'm sure a good nights sleep will put me back on track.

I'll definately be more careful with the alcohol in future, i started the evening with such good intentions (was only going to have one drink) but got a bit carried away:)

Thanks again, i'm off to bed.

Take care, Andy (pootle)

10-11-04, 23:32
hi Andy,

Glad to hear that you are feeling a little better. Hope you have a good night's sleep!!

Sarah :D

11-11-04, 15:34
i cant offer advice in the sense of rationing drink,but i can relate to the blips as i now realise their called,totally throws me off sync.i havent drank for years now because id think it would make me feel worse,last time i drank a beer i felt totally rough the next day,i was viviting a mate in uni and in the pub the next day i thought<no more drink for me>.but i suppose different people have different experiences with it.i had probs in the past with drink and drugs so i laid off it alltogehtre.

anyway i hope the setback dter you too much with the progress you seem to have made

good luck
