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View Full Version : Anyone want to be my friend? :)

18-05-07, 14:45
Hi well I thought I might aswel post one of these as I like chatting to people :)

My name is Laura I am 22yrs old. I live in sunny Kent. I suffer with general anxiety,panic attacks, I do find it difficult to go out places sometimes. I have my good days and bad days. I have self harmed alot when I was younger and I did suffer with depression. I have only recently started to self harm again but not as bad as i used to and I am trying to stop it all together.
I'm generally a happy person but now and again things get me down and I have my low moments.
I am looking to chat to anyone really :) similar age or older or younger I don't mind. Just thought it would be nice to chat to people with similar problems.
Feel free to PM me if you are interested. Then I will either give you my email address or msn depending on how you want to talk :)

Laura xxxx:flowers:

23-06-07, 12:15
Hey Laura!
I'm gonna be 20 this October, I suffer from panic attacks as well and anxiety. I have been struggling for 4 years until I started feeling a bit better last year. Seems like I'm on my way to full recovery and I would love to help anyone who I can help.....Feel free to PM me.
Am also happy all the time, people ask if I ever get down.... :-)

23-06-07, 14:06
Hi and thanks for your reply Ana :)

I have sent you a PM hope to chat soon! :hugs:

Laura xxxx:flowers:

24-06-07, 14:12
Lozzy pop, i'll be your fwiend :)

24-06-07, 14:25
Barked!! :hugs:

You already are u ninny! :)

Laura xxx:flowers:

24-06-07, 14:34
Awww. You're too good to me Loz.

24-06-07, 16:48
Add me too!

Oh, you already have lol :)

Thanks for ur help recently Loz, you're a star!!! xx


24-06-07, 17:01
Awww thanks Gordon! :blush:

No worries! U know im always here if u need a chat! :hugs:

Laura xxx:flowers:

07-11-07, 13:57
Hi there Laura i could do with a friend who has similar problems if you want we ould help each other out x
take care Richie xxx
noticed you posted this a while ago so don't know if you would want anymore friends now ???:)

07-11-07, 14:49
Hi Richie :)

Thanks for your reply! :hugs:
I shall send you a pm :D
Its always good to make new friends :)

Take care
Laura xxxxxx:flowers:

08-11-07, 13:16
hi Laura could do with a friend who has similar problems as me im always on msn get in touch if you want another friend :) xoxox

08-11-07, 13:25
Lozi me darlin,

I AM your friend :hugs: but if you even need to chat then either PM me here or give me a shout on MSN :winks: .

Even if you just want to vent then my lugs are big enough to take it, lol.

lots a lurve

xxxxxx:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

08-11-07, 13:50
Feel free to add me to MSN :) PurpleHaze76-x-@hotmail.com

08-11-07, 14:30
Thanks for the replies peeps :yesyes:

Nicki I have sent you a pm hun :hugs:

Lisa your a star :) thanks for your reply and likewise if you ever need someone to talk to give me a shout :hugs: :hugs:

Katie I have added you to msn thanks:hugs:

Laura xxxxx