View Full Version : do any others have realy hot flushes bring a panic attack on

18-05-07, 17:16
my daughter came round to see if i wanted to go and get som electric as i had a new key meter in other day and no i need to top it up so i went but as i got in her car i felt sweat dripping off me then as we go =t in how small co op i was in que and said i need to get some water as it wass happening again it felt like my head was wet through and my body i though i am either going to pass out or sponasly cmbust i have a new fear of tha happening since i hear about it happening so the more i thought about tht the hotter i got i said to my daugher forget th electric i want to go home
now back home i feel so mad at myself yet gcant stop thinking about how awfull i felt any way guess i have winged enough now thanks for this great site as no on els is listeing to me bye for now trish

miss motown
19-05-07, 22:10
trish i get this all the time and when it comes i feel like im going to pass out its awful im going thru the menopause aswell and belive me that dosent help do u think you could be going thru the menopause aswell as anxiety

19-05-07, 22:35
+hi thanks for yr reply was beging to think there was only me i had a blood test last year in march wich said was post menopuse and only had to slight periods since but one of them was due to haveing a polyps removed from my womb last june just before that i begane with dreadfull night sweats but was put on medication after the op wich stopped it happening i was taked of them in mrch this year when i had to go back to hospital for a biopsy and wa given the all clear this hot flush seemd a bit diffrent it was like my heart raced with it as well and the more i was aware of being hot the more i paniced the more it happend it was awfull seeing as i have sufferd since i was 12 and now 51 i bet i have had it before but every time you think its something diffrent dont you any way thanks again for yr reply trishxxps just gone all hot now lol

miss motown
20-05-07, 16:35
hi trish it sounds like your going thru the same as me my blood results were premenopausal and the hot flushes were making my heart rate really bad to the point were i was rushed to hospital with an expected heart attack it was ther when they told me i was premenopausal and was givin a diet sheet and was told to pack in the ciggerettes they said once id changed my diet the hot flushes would ease off a little anyway i did try and change but soon went back to my old habbits its so hard to change anyway hun i hope you feel better knowing your not on your own with these dreadful symptoms are u taken anythink for the hot flushes

20-05-07, 16:43
I really do think anxiety gets worse when you go through the menopause. I'm now 52 and started going through the menopause when I was 47 and my anxiety and depression definately got worse around that time.

20-05-07, 18:58
Not particularly, I do feel a bit hotter with a bit of sweat in my face about 35% of the time when I have panic attacks. It's odd because it seems to happen when I have a fear I'm just going to loose my temper for no reason, even without anything making me feel tempermental, and since you do go read and sweaty when you have a tentrum or something it must explain why I occasionly sweat, or blush a bit when I get a panic attack. I guess I wouldn't count myself actually have hot flashes though.

20-05-07, 20:47
I really do think anxiety gets worse when you go through the menopause. I'm now 52 and started going through the menopause when I was 47 and my anxiety and depression definately got worse around that time.hi i bet you could be right as this past few years i have sufferd bouts of deppresion and some times it feels like its never going to lift i often think my first panic attack was about the time my body would have been changing to start my periods so wonder if it with alot of us its hormonal i was so sure when my periods stopped i might feel normal what ever normal is after all these years of feeling the way i do any way thanks bye for now trish

21-05-07, 12:17
Hi Im 47 and started menopause a few years ago and YES hot flushes can trigger a panic attack in me as I panic that Im going to faint and feel dizzy and cant breathe - in fa ct any hot shop or place where it is stuffy has the same effect. Wenjoy x

21-05-07, 12:52
Hi Im 47 and started menopause a few years ago and YES hot flushes can trigger a panic attack in me as I panic that Im going to faint and feel dizzy and cant breathe - in fa ct any hot shop or place where it is stuffy has the same effect. Wenjoy xyour right about shops i seem to go hot as soon as i get in one i dont like being to cold either but realy hate going hot thanks for yr reply trishxx