View Full Version : panic attacks advice please?

18-05-07, 21:26
Hi Guys

Don't know if I am supposed to just post or not but am having REAL issues with my panic atttacks/anxiety just now. Foor the last 3 weeks it has dominated my life. I have had a good life I am 33. Great mates, good b/friend, great job (which I am in danger of messing up as I have had 2 weeks off) no real stresses great supportive childhood. Bet thats more than a lot of folk could say. Yet a year ago I had panic attack in street out of blue. Full blown couldnt breathe ran home like a lunatic, and I don't run ANYWHERE lay on bed for about 15 minutes till heart returned to normal. Then no more attacks great a one off I thought.

3 weeks ago out of blue the whole shibang again. Racing heart ground moving, grey dots in front of eyes, feel sick, sweat buckets, lump in throat, legs physically and visibly shake, body tremors, head spins had to RUN from Asda then go home and lie for ages trying to breathe and feel better by a couple of hours later the worst had left except anxiety, feeling shaky (but not outwardly shaking) a bit sick and very surreal, andthat has not left me since. I go out to walk the dog and its like I have sea legs, very unsteady on feet and get a rushing "water in ear" syndrome thing happening, I feel constantly on edge and very tearful.

Doc prescribed propanolol and paxil,paxil made me worse so back today and he has given me Venlafaxine.

Please can someone give me some advice as I feel like I am becomoing a prisoner in my own thoughts. I am constantly scared to the point of sickness(usually bile - sorry to be graphic) and there is nothing physically wrong.

I just want to cry and cry and cry.

Thank you for reading

18-05-07, 22:26
Hi there

Have you read the First Steps post for some great advice?

Also eat well and keep the blood sugar levels up.

Exercise is fab for panic and anxiety too.

18-05-07, 22:44
Hiya hun
Sorry to hear your going through such a rough patch. The best things to do are get a good nights sleep, exercise, be socail with people, reward yourself when you do something that is challanging and stuff.
I know its not easy but keep at it. I wish thre was a magic cure but there isnt. Its just hard work and time sadly. Keep in there hun

Elemental Child
21-05-07, 13:04
mmmm...the clues there....you had to run from Asda! lots of flurescent lights electronic equipment - I can't go to these places without having a mass panic - the neurotransmitters in your brain are possibly having a job interpreting the light signals that are firing off so rapidly and comes up with.....fight or flight....what do you do...panic!

See website Electrosensitivity. I advise anyone who sees this to consider this rather than take medication. Also ditch your mobile phone - seriously - its affecting you with microwave radiation and affecting your moods - see Mast Sanity, Sage Associates - google them.

Take Care

21-05-07, 19:08
Sorry to hear you're having a really tough time. All your stress responses are hyped up at the moment so its only natural that panic is firing off at the slightest thing. Remember panic cannot kill you.
Here's something you can do right now that will make a real difference - I know it works because phil has used it today (see his post on today's panic forum)...

Put your hands together (as if praying), bridge your fingers so just the finger tips are touching, then gently tap the finger tips together and say to yourself "safe and secure, calm and relaxed". This is a short version of EFT but for more details see www.emofree.com (http://www.emofree.com)
I've been telling everyone about this IT REALLY WORKS ! Try it.
Be kind to yourself

21-05-07, 22:44
Thanks all am going to try the praying handsthing tomorrow at the supermarket. At this point I still feel anxious but not in a heightened state of panic. Am going to head to bed soon though I contacted a local counsellor and am thinking of going its does cost per hour but if I thought it would help then to h*ll with the £ its CBT. Anyone benefited?

22-05-07, 16:50
Whenever you get a panic attack just let it run its course, its the worst feeling in the world and seems like it will last forever but the worst of it usually subsides after a few minutes. Fighting the feeling feeds your body with more adrenaline and fuels the whole experience making it last longer. Its easier said than done to let it happen without trying to will yourself into calming down and making it stop, try to convince yourself it will be over soon.

22-05-07, 17:40
Have a read of Claire Weekes "hope and help for your nerves"

The supermarket syndrome is pretty common, its the flood of information entering a sensitised mind that may trigger the anxiety attack. An influx of information causing panic (possibly), open spaces, lots of people and lots of bright white light.

I am not too sure if I subscribe to the mobile phone or fluorescent light theory. Electro Magnetic Energy can stimulate changes (heat) in biological cells but to the best of my knowledge, anxiety came before radio waves. I think the mobile mast lobby is a seperate issue and I tend only to accept hard evidence.

Still, we all have our opinions ;)



P.S. Watch that googling, you could end up with every disease under the sun ;)