View Full Version : Losing control slightly....

10-11-04, 21:15
ive been having mild panic attacks for about 5 months now. Recently (as in the past 3 weeks) theyve got really bad to the point that something like a loud bang can set me off. I used to be able to stop myself getting to panicky before, but now I just can't. None of my friends seem to understand or care and loads of them dont even know what a panic attack is so they just think Im weird. One of my closer friends suggested counselling but I dont want everyone to think Im an attention seeker.

What should I do - Im stuck please help me

10-11-04, 21:53
Hi Rhiannon, sorry to hear it feels like things are getting worse.
You are certainly in the right place, cos everyone on here will understand.
Could it be the fireworks getting to you? - they seem to have been going on for weeks and are really getting on my nerves now.
Main thing though is try not to worry about the fact that it seems worse at the moment. I know it's hard when you're all wound up, but if you can find something to take your mind off the thoughts, like maybe a good book to read, or perhaps search for something that you are interested in on the web..? - You may find that it starts to get less of a problem just as quickly as it started. I hope so anyway.
Whatever, stick around on here and talk about anything you like. We'll all give you any support that we can.
Good luck, and try to give us a little smile :)

10-11-04, 22:00
Hi Rhiannon

I'm sorry to hear that you are having panic attacks and they seem to be getting worse. There are lots of us here who have panic attacks so we understand what you are going through.

I expect it can seem a bit scary to your friends if they don't understand about panic and anxiey, and I don't think many people who have not been through it can really understand.

Are your parents supportive? Can you talk to them about this?

You will get a lot of support from people here.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

10-11-04, 22:46
Hi hon

It is normal how you feel and unfortunately people who havent suffered whether younger or older dont understand, but at least you know that we are here to help you.

Asking for help of a counsellor is not seeking attention at all it is getting the help you need.

Panic attacks are hard and i have experienced many friends not supporting me but it is purely down to a lack of understanding and nothing more.

Like Nic says can you talk to your parents as i am sure they will want to support you all they can.

Dont be afraid to ask for help doesnt make you a failure just show what a strong person you are for recognising that you are finding it hard.

Love Sal xxxxx

10-11-04, 23:06
hello there,

It's normal for a lot of people who don't have panic attacks to not know what they are. I didn't know what they were until I had one!!

Going to see a counsellor doesn't mean that you are an attention seeker! I saw a counsellor for a while and it helped me loads. It was nice to have someone to talk to who really understood what I was going through.

Don't be scared to ask for help - we all need help sometimes!!

Sarah :D

11-11-04, 03:06

It seems like you might be caught in that good old vicious circle that so many of us have experienced...

Sounds like you're beginning to really fear the attacks coming on, which, strange as it may seem, can bring them on even quicker. Most of us have been through this as well, so, even though it may not seem like it, it is a "normal" thing that us PA sufferers experience at times.

As Marc said, do something, anything, to distract you when you feel the attacks coming on. It may seem hard and somewhat futile at first, but stick with it. It really helps. For me, it is a good book, a long walk, talking with someone I trust...

As far as counselling - go for it. When I was having my full blown attacks last winter, finding and utilizing a good counselor was a life saver for me. Believe me, peace of mind is worth more than ANY friend who may look down on you because of panic attacks.

Keep your chin up, and keep us posted as to how you are doing!

Love, Rick

It is better to be a free bird than a captive king...

11-11-04, 14:58

iv had panic attacks since 11/09/03 so its just over a year now

try to talk to them and explain what a panic attack is and tell them how you feel. thats how i got my new group of friends to understand (group of 5)

how u feeling today hun?

Scooter Girl

if i was hungry would you feed me, if i fell you help me up, if i was crying would you brush away my tears

11-11-04, 15:39
hi evryone!
im feelin a lot better today thanx scooter girl! All your advice is great and its really nice to be able to talk to people who wont take the mick! Theres a personal advisor person in school so I might try and see him.
Thanks evryone xxxxxxx

11-11-04, 18:16
Hi there,

Glad you are feeling a little better today.

I would certainly suggest you see someone though, you dont want this to get out of hand.

If you think your freinds will think that you are attention seeking (which you are not!) dont tell them, there is no reason they should know if you dont want them to.

Let us know how you get on.

