View Full Version : mini electric shocks!

geordie flower
19-05-07, 15:09
does anyone experince as part of their anxiety involuntary muscle spasm which can happen on any part of your body? kinda feels like a mini electric shock! or is it just me ha ha ha :D

19-05-07, 15:58
Hi geordie flower
strange you should post this question as for the last few days I have been getting what feels like little electric shocks in my right side at top of stomach
I was starting to get worried about it but seems someone else gets same thing wonder what it is

19-05-07, 22:52
i think all people get this but people like us read more into it. if my partner gets a twitchy finger it doesn't bother him but if i have one i think it must mean there's something wrong with me...

miss motown
20-05-07, 18:51
hi geordie i posted about this one not so long back as i was experiancing this and still do i seem to get this just as im dropping off to sleep its so hard to explaine wot really happens but yes id say its like little electric surges ur a spasm it feels strange i no that much

18-12-08, 19:58
Yeah I get them sometimes

18-12-08, 20:18
i get them across my shoulders makes me jump a bit then i worry for ages about what it could be hey ho thats what makes us special i think

18-12-08, 22:01
hi yes i get these, like what i could describe as electric shocks in or around the chest area. sometimes they feel like maybe in the top of the stomach.the one thing that i have noticed is that when i get them, they send me into panic mode very quick, waves of hot flushes to the face and then unless i can breath my way out of it,it end up a full blowen panic attack. they dont seem like palps, any ideas???