View Full Version : biggest let down ever.

Piscian Daydreamer
19-05-07, 16:00
Oh god.

I was doing alright until i met this girl last week in Leicester and spent the night with her. She was such a slag,,,, but the next day i realised there was more to her. She took me out in her sports car, she was loaded, fun, had it all, amazingly fit and funny!
We got on so well, she invited me back to Leicester. But as i was about to leave my house she phoned me saying 'dont come up, nobody is going out'.
It was the biggest let down of my life. Now she hasn't got back to me

I understand that this girl was such a slag, i am by no means the only one. In fact, i found out she has a BF in london who she obviously doesn't care about.

The thing is, i really pine her. She had the status, the life... the car. It felt so amazing to be out with her in her sports car. This girl has really messed my mind up, just dropping me like she did without a conscience.

My mates are telling me it was just a one night stand, move on, but its not so easy.

Please give me some confidence boosting words, anyone please.

19-05-07, 16:15
Yes, sports car, flashy lifestyle is nice and very flattering but.............sometimes we need to step back and think............is this really gonna make you happy.

We do things impulsively and yes its great at the time, but there is more to a relationship than what you have described. Put it down to a one night stand and move on.

Maybe you need to look at your own values towards women and hopefully you will attract the right person for you. Just cos this particular woman slept with you certainly doesnt make her a slag............you slept with her and no doubt enjoyed it, ask yourself does that make you anything??

You are worth more.............we all are.

Darkangel :flowers:

19-05-07, 16:30
Darkangel said exactly what I was gonna say.

Value yourself and others will do the same and vice versa!! :yesyes:

Piglet :flowers:

Piscian Daydreamer
19-05-07, 17:56
the thing is....

We slept togther but didn't actually have sex. We were both pretty mullered and she was extremely tired. This sounds bad, but if it was a one night stand, i could accept it and move on.
I said she's a slag because she blatently does this all the time, and is even cheating on her boyfriend.

I know that the 'flashy lifestyle' shouldnt matter, but when i was up there, for once in my life it felt like i was having fun, doing something different, with a girl of pure fantasy.

I feel so bad it was just one day, do u know what i mean. I'm pining.

You are so right in what you said, thankyou for your words.

But how do i accept it?

19-05-07, 18:02
I said she's a slag because she blatently does this all the time, and is even cheating on her boyfriend.

Hun what's attractive about that???

It's contrary isn't it human nature that we want what we can't have but in this case I can't really see the appeal.

I'd get out with your mates and have some good distraction if I were you.

Piglet :flowers:

19-05-07, 18:24
Yeah, I can see how you can't accept this situation, even though you recognise the transient nature of this woman.

I think Piglet is right, get out with your mates, have a good time and then it won't dominate your mind every day.

You're still only young and my guess is, is that you will in time find someone find someone else fit and fun to be with, but who can be a genuine soulmate. She will most likely appear out of the blue. Who cares if she drives a 1989 Nissan Micra?

Give it time mate.

19-05-07, 18:38

I pretty much agree with what everyone else said. You have to remind yourself although you had a good time, she has a boyfriend and yet she is behaving like this.
Perhaps you aren't pining for her as such but maybe you are just pining for that closeness with someone.
I can understand this as I am the same really.
You are only young, go out with your friends and find yourself a girl who isn't as promiscious as this one sounds.

There are plenty of girlies out there waiting believe me!!
Take care hun
Laura xx:flowers:

Piscian Daydreamer
19-05-07, 18:38
Your comments are so uplifting.
Just to hear you tell me i don't need her, that she isn't attractive makes me feel like God pulled me out of the situation deliberately.

I guess its just this girl, being so hot, rich (26) and so dominating - was an absolute fantasy. A fantasy that i tasted but didn't completely achieve.

19-05-07, 18:44
Fantasys are exactly that hun, fantasys :)

If you really think about it you will see that actually she probably isn't right for you. This is just my opinion.
Just see it as an exciting experience and you will meet a girl you can be with and be happy with.

Take care
Laura xx:flowers:

19-05-07, 23:11
Ahh been here once or twice myself (but with men). They had the flash cars, the money and the lifestyle and it never worked out. Spent ages kicking myself about it as I always thought it was my fault.

What I learnt is people like that are rarely actually "happy". I've found my happiness with a guy who isn't like that at all.

Enjoy the whole fantasy of it all, I know I did!

20-05-07, 02:13
Hm, can't add much to what has already been said.

I may be one of the 'older generation' but I like to think I'm 'realistically forward thinking' but am in no way a prude.

I think you're rather pining for the lifestyle rather than the girl. She was only the means by which you momentarily enjoyed a taste of what you thought you wanted.

Nothing wrong with wanting a bit of fun and excitement in life, but what we want isn't always necessarily what we need to achieve contentment and what some may call 'happiness'. And what we need isn't necessarily always what we want - if you see what I mean.

So, I'd file this away in your 'one-of-life's-experiences-I'd-rather-not-repeat' file, grin and then get on with every day as it comes........who's to say you won't meet a girl who's exciting as well as dependable one day??

Hope I haven't been 'grannying' on too long!! :blush:


Piscian Daydreamer
20-05-07, 11:54

20-05-07, 12:52
Money money money, flash cars, blond hair and size 0, yawn

She sounds like a nightmare chap, do yourself a favour, aim a little higher next time, I hear the nicer girls drive 1989 Micra's anyway ;)