View Full Version : Going away

19-05-07, 17:38
i have recently been mixing with a group of friends which has been hard for me cos theres this girl who likes me but im not interested at the moment i found it very hard to tell her becasue i didnt want to hurt her or to ruin our friendship. She was Ok with this but now im having these feeling that I don't want any of their friendships and i dont know why. This has caused me a lot of stress and anxiety which has made me feel ill! Im seeing them all tonight and im dreading it! Then were all going to Bournemouth for the weekend on friday and im so stressed about it I don't know what to do! Has anybody else experienced anything like this?

19-05-07, 17:42
Matty is it going to bournmouth that is panicing you honey or is it going to bournmouth with these friends?


19-05-07, 17:46
Its going to Bournemouth with theses friends. Im worried about how I might feel.. If I feel anxious there will be no escape.. Thats whats worrying me the most :( im worried about going tonite because they will all be talking about it and getting excited about it.. That makes it much much worse :(

19-05-07, 17:47
Sometimes we all need space from our friends don't we - perhaps its just that hun, you need a little space.

Love Piglet :flowers:

19-05-07, 17:49
I have been seeing them an awful lot I think about 10 times since Easter.. I do have a laugh when I see them I dont know I so wish tonite goes well because I will feel much better if it does. I wish I could look forward to it :( I dont do well on holidays I never have since I was 17

19-05-07, 17:52

Could it be that the trip to bournmouth is making you feel this way about your friends? Like IF you are no longer friends with them then you don't have to go on the trip with them. Or maybe Piglet is right, maybe you do just need a wee break from these friends, time on your own to work out how you feel! you never know, maybe you'll miss them if your not around them so much.


19-05-07, 17:57
Yeah maybe.. I have had thoughts about other friends before.. But I was panicking about losing them only a couple of weeks ago if anything happened between me and this girl.. I wanted their friendship then but now I dont know its strange

I was anxious when they first mentioned Bournemouth tho a few weeks back so maybe it is a bit of both.

19-05-07, 19:19
thanks for all ur help im off now im still scared tho! lol

matt :)