View Full Version : Hello - from a newbie

20-05-07, 03:11

Not sure where to start, and not sure 3am is a good time to be posting but anxiety isnt letting me sleep so thought I would try this!

I am 31 and have had periods of anxiety/depression since I was 16 or 17... I can be "well" for months and years at a time... Needless to say at the moment I am having a blip (at least thats all I hope it is). I am on a low dosage of meds that I fear I may need to increase. :weep:

I dont really get panic attacks as such more prolonged anxiety which can peak to an almost unbearable level at times... the anxiety can be caused by intrusive thoughts and ruminating, or general life stuff or it can rear up for what seems like no reason at all! :huh:

This seems like a great place which has already helped me a lot.

Thanks and love to all....


20-05-07, 03:28
Hi Giraffe and welcome to nmp. I reckon 3am is as good a time as any, especially if you can't sleep due to anxiety.

I know you will find this site very helpful and everyone very supportive.

I'm sorry that you're going through a bad patch at the moment, hopefully the anxiety will die down and you will get back you your usual self again soon.

Take care


20-05-07, 04:14

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

20-05-07, 07:54

I am new to this site to, and everyone is so nice. I am pretty similar to yourself anxiety wise, and can go months and years too, but also like yourself I am on low medication and having a bad time of it just now.

Hopefully we can get the chance to chat soon.

Take Care

geordie flower
20-05-07, 11:26
hiya im new to this too, im having almost constant anxiety, i have done for around 4 months, i cant put a finger as to why, im in a happy marriage, got 2 great kids and a job that i love with no stres what so eva! so why am i feeling anxious and on edge all the time, who knows! but its reassurring to know im not alone in having these feelings, this site is a godsend :)

20-05-07, 11:35
:welcome: Giraffe and Fiona,

The great thing about this site is there is always someone ready to listen be it 3 am or 3 pm. I'm sure it is just a blip you're suffering from but it is natural to doubt this as that's part of the anxiety. If you knew you would be better soon you wouldn't be anxious (if that makes sense!). The fact you're worried about an increase in medication shows you're an intelligent person so I'm confident you have nothing to worry about on that front. Yes my panic can come out of the blue for no reason too and leave me wondering 'Well what was that all about?'. If either of you ever want to drop me a PM you're more than welcome to do so.

Take care,

20-05-07, 14:34
Hi there Giraffe, :welcome: to you!

It's ok, none of us are clock watchers here lol!!

Pleased to meet you!


20-05-07, 14:54
Hi Giraffe

welcome to NMP its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice while making new friends too.:)


20-05-07, 15:11
hi and a big warm welcome .

love sandy xxx

20-05-07, 15:28
Hi Everyone,

Just want to say thanks so much to you all for your greetings! :) This is a very friendly site.

Didnt get very much sleep last night so feeling sorry for myself today - very tired, emotional and still a little anxious. :ohmy:

Hope others are having a better day!

Take care,


20-05-07, 17:50
Hi Giraffe and welcome

Love the name by the way.

Hope we can be of some help to you on here.

Pink Princess
20-05-07, 19:53
hi and welcome to the site, you will find a lot of good advice and support here and make many friends along the way. hope to talk soon, take kare xxxxxx

20-05-07, 21:08
Hello Giraffe, welcome to NMP. Prolonged anxiety is pretty much what I have as well, it isn't nice.
I do hope your current probs are just a temporary thing and pass soon.
Take care


funky chick
20-05-07, 21:52
Hello to Giraffe and Fiona, Welcome to NMP this is a great site and you will find lots of lovely kind caring people on here and im sure it will help you lots as it has me.
Hope you catch you both soon maybe in chat take care love Gail xxxx:hugs:

21-05-07, 10:18

I'm new to this site too and everyone is really supportive. My experience of anxiety is exactly the same as yours. I'm on a low dose of medication at the moment too, so you're definitely not alone in feeling like this.


21-05-07, 21:35
Hi Giraffe,

My experiences are very similar to yours. I'm 22 now and I started experiencing anxiety/depression when I was 14. I can be very well for several years in a row-I didn't have any problems in 2004/5 but I suffered severely in 2006. Glad to say I'm now 100% recovered, thanks in part to becoming a member of this site and I hope it will help you as much too. I've never had physical panic attacks but I've certainly had the ruminating & intrusive thoughts....
Hope you find plenty of useful advice on here, take care.

27-05-07, 04:46

A friendly welcome to you. Many people will be able to relate to how you are feeling.

Laura :)