View Full Version : Extremely dizzy

20-05-07, 11:21
Hi there
I have been on here before reassuring people over dizziness and that it can go away. However I am experiencing it again - it has been getting worse and worse over the last few weeks and now it is severe and there all day long without let-up. I am having a hard time remembering if this is possible for anxiety to cause thsi symptom so severely. I can hardly focus on anything either - it feels like my eyes are causing the problem, or are they?

Has anyone else got it like this so badly that all they really want to do is lie down and stay very still (not that this helps) but it is worse moving around or even trying to read.

Thanks for listening

geordie flower
20-05-07, 11:37
hiya, yes i can relate so much to wat your saying, i had almost constant since nov 06, the doc said it was an inner ear prob so referred me to ent specialist, i went for appointment had some tests and they were all negative, its now may 2007 and my dizziness has reduced alot but now i suffer from almost constant anxiety and feelings ov being on edge all the time so i reckon my dizziness was a lead up to my anxiety, hope this helps to know yor not alone, best way i found dealing with it was just try yor best to get on with life as much as normal dont give in to it, it is hard but youll get there, take it easy :) tracey x

20-05-07, 13:37
Hi Beadbabe

Im one of the people you have kindly reassured about dizziness.

You poor thing, I really do sympathise. I remember from a previous post you were starting meds again - could it be a side effect until your body gets used to them?

Im still getting dizziness and will ask when I see my Psych again whether it is the meds or the anxiety!

PLease dont let it get you down. Thinking of you.

Liz xx :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

20-05-07, 14:02
It is more than likely the anxiety causing it, i had it really bad a few days ago for first time in months but i have recently had a breakup so its to be expected, almost felt like i was drunk walking to the shops but the dizziness dosn't bother me a great deal anymore and i still function ok so it soon passes. Try not to think about it and i'm sure it will soon pass, easier said than done i know.

22-05-07, 10:08
Hi Beadbabe,

I totally understand where you are coming from.

I have been feeling dizzy everyday now for over a year and recently (and I suppose after some stressful situations) it is unbelievably bad. It feels as if I have a load of polyfilla inside my head...I can physically feel that my head is heavy! Also, like there are pins & needles in the back of my head.

Also, my eyesight is quite bad at the mo'...blurry vision, etc. I had a full eye test & health check for my eyes done over a month ago and all was well so it can't be that.

I guess it is anxiety, I hate it!

I hope that you feel better soon. PM me if you want to chat about it.

Take care,

Sam xxx