View Full Version : Doctor

20-05-07, 20:42
I have just been reading all about panic's and stuff and the advice seems to be cheak with your doctor to make sure its not something physical that results in panics. A doctor should cheak your heart, bp, bloods, thyriod levels and so on. Well i havnt had any of that other then a blood test to see if i was anemic. I dont think it is anything physical. I have excepted that i have panic and anxiety.
The thing is what happens if i do become ill. I am too scared to mention most of the stuff i have to my doctor because i think he wont take me seriously. How do u know whats important to tell other people and whats not?
Take care all

geordie flower
20-05-07, 20:57
hiya, ive been to my docs numerous times, he first thought i had an inner ear problem so sent me to ent specialist, all tests i had done there were negative so he sent me for various blood tests including thyroid which again were all clear.I found the best way to deal with my doc was to write every symptom down no matter how insignificant they may be or how long yor list is then yor doc can get a full picture. Dont worry about wat he may think i can guarantee he will hav dealt with hundreds of people in our situation good luck and make that appointment :) tracey x

20-05-07, 21:19
Hi Blackie,

Don't be afraid to mention everything to your doc - remember he can't make a correct diagnosis if he doesn't have all the information!

I remember when I first went to my doc, I had gone about something completely different - concerns about hormones I think, and before I'd got a complete sentence out he was asking if I felt depressed or anxious! My doc is very perceptive and when I answered "why are you asking me that, of course I'm not!" I just burst into tears and couldn't stop!! The rest is history!

So, take Tracey's good advice and make a list - I'm sure your doctor will appreciate your thoughtfulness that he won't have to guess why you came to see him!

Tell him why you're afraid to tell him everything and I'm sure he will be very understanding.

And let us know how you get on ok?


20-05-07, 22:21
thanks tracey. I guess i should. My doctor is a real village doctor though and i think he doesnt quite no what to do with me.lol. But i will take your advice and write a list and hopefully give it to him. I gbet on rally well with the nurse there. Shes great and has helped me alot, even if she did threaten to smack me.lol. In a nice caring way. GG, thanks for you advice too. Its good to have a doctor like yours. I like my doc though. I ended up braking down in his office and i dont think he knew quite what to do. Men and crying girls dont mix somehow.lol

But the promblem is he cant do anything. I am on medication and the comunity health team dont want to work with me because i dont fit there criteria. I dont have enough money to pay for help and i am running out of options here. I really dont know what to do. So to feel better i drink which is not the best move in the world.
Sorry to moan. I just wish i new what to do.
Take care all

geordie flower
21-05-07, 20:40
hiya blackie, i know alcohol helps at the time i used to use that as my "medication" on an evening, but i realised that i only felt worse in the morning and anxiety and palps seemed worse. Ive cut down now to just twice a week drinking and starting to feel better. Persevere with yor doc tho. Can you pinpoint a reason for yor anxiety? I cant, mine just came out of the blue started in nov 06. take care tracey :) x

22-05-07, 09:39
Hiya tracey,
Well done on cutting down on the alcohol. I am tring to do this too. I didnt touch a drop yesterday and hopefully will start to feel the benifit after a few days/weeks. I am only going to drink a small amount on weekends.
I cant pinpoint my anxiety. I had my first panic attack in feb 05 when i was diving in the red sea. But even before that i didnt go to school as i couldnt bare it but i still managed to go out and about. Then when i went to collage in sept 04 i thought i was better for good. I made lo0ads of friends, loved my lessons, went out all over the place, started to learn to drive and was feeling really happy and independent. Met a nice boy who i went on holiday with and so on. How i managed to get in this situation i dont know.
But i am determined to get better. I know it will be hard and take time but i will do it.... i hope.lol.
Thanks for listning