View Full Version : how did u know it was anxiety?

geordie flower
20-05-07, 21:08
Hiya, i was just wondering what were the first symptoms anyone experienced and how they realised it was anxiety? thanks tracey x

20-05-07, 21:26
Hi Tracey!

Don't know if this is relevant but I don't actually remember having felt 'anxious' before I went to the docs.

I actually went to see him about something else and he was the one who sensed I was suffering from anx and depression due to a culmination of events over the past few years - but extending right back to my childhood !!

It's only now, when I look back on my life, that I realise yes, I'd been quite an anxious person for a lot of my life - but just never realised it until quite recently!

I suppose my symptoms were just complete exhaustion, mentally and physically, and the feeling that I just wanted to stop the world and get off.

Don't know if this is any help - but it helped me writing it down, thanks!!:)


geordie flower
20-05-07, 21:34
hiya groovygranny ( cool name), i have always been a worrier for as long as i can remember, wen i was young i remember always thinking the worst wen my mam was late home i always imagined something terrible must hav happened to her, i think its caught up wit me now so im constantly anxious! now i hav 2 children of my own im always worrying about them and if there ok and they are only 6 and 9! god help me wen they are older and go out on their own!!! I'll be following them everywhere ha ha ha :D x

20-05-07, 21:46
Hi Tracey - got news for you chum........the worry over kids never goes!!

I inherited a worrying streak from my father (god bless him) and even now, like you, I think the worst !! But now I don't let those thoughts take the upperhand - they last for moments and no longer.

But......it'll get worse before it gets any better with your kids I'm afraid...

...when my middle daughter was 17 she wanted to stay out until 3.00am with her mates and get a taxi home all together. GG and her father said an emphatic "no way!" and told her to get a taxi at 1.00am. She refused and stormed up to her room. So GG, always one to find a reasonable way around difficulties (yeah, right!) phoned the local police station for advice. When I explained the situation to the officer on duty, giving him permission to raid the club, catch my daughter red-handed for underage drinking and sling her in the cells for the night he sighed and said...

"Mrs, if you can get your daughter to take notice of you will you let me know how you did it? Cos I have a daughter the same age who's exactly the same!" :wacko::wacko::wacko:

Needless to say, I realise now it would have made more sense to have let her stay with her mates and all travel home together rather than she be in a taxi all on her own (which she eventually did, under protest!)

So, we mum's should never think we're too old to learn either - and you've got all this to come....happy dayze !!!!!

And now I do follow my girls almost everywhere - cos they now ask me to come out when they're on the raz and they've got to keep an eye on me !!!

Yeah, payback time!!:yesyes:


geordie flower
20-05-07, 21:53
Ha ha ha yor so right my mam still phones me wen she knows ive been out for the nite with my mates to make sure im ok and im 33 and been married for 11 years! i know i need to chill out abit but i think its inbread in me now! my eldest son is going away in sept with school for 5 days canoeing rock climbing etc and im dreading it! i was all for giving his teacher £50 to not let him go lol :D

20-05-07, 22:07
Hi Tracey
Yes i agree with groovy granny i still worry about my 2 eldest and the eldest one has two of her own ! Also recently my 9 year old daughter went away with school for a weekend and i was sobbing when they left and worried the whole weekend. She came back(her first trip away) and had a whale of a time and didnt even miss us!!!!! Then our 10 year old went away same place and he too came back and had a brill time. Now my daughter could go to germany next year and im worrying already hopefully im going with her as familys can go too. we shall see.
Take care
Anne xx