View Full Version : any north east friends

geordie flower
20-05-07, 21:19
hiya i was just wondering if there are any rinds on the site from the beautiful north east :D well done sunderland!!!!

geordie flower
20-05-07, 21:20
oopps that should have read friends not rinds god wat am i like well it is getting late ha ha ha :)

20-05-07, 22:08
Hi There
im from portsmouth but now live in Hull .
Take care Annexx

21-05-07, 09:59

i am from darlington ....i see you are a florist soo i am :)

jodie xx

21-05-07, 14:09
Hartlepool representing here...well done to Pools too.

geordie flower
21-05-07, 20:13
hiya, its good to know there are a few of use representing the north east im from south shields. :) Oh and hi to jodie a fellow florist!!! tracey x