View Full Version : A bad day

20-05-07, 21:43
My anxiety and panic attacks returned about 6 weeks ago after 20 odd years. The first one came completely out of the blue and it took me a while to realise what it was. That did'nt make it any better though - it left me feeling completely wrecked and I started to worry about my health again.
I've had several attacks in the last 6 weeks - I feel very dizzy/lightheaded, then I feel sick, then I panic and cant get my breath (which makes things worse).
I went to the doctors last week because I was feeling so awful. My stomach constantly feels bloated and i feel sick all the time. My breathing is really bad which has given me pains in my chest, my head feels as though its in a vice, I cant focus properly and I cant concentrate (its really hard writing this).
Anyway, today was terrible. I was gardening and was really enjoying it - then suddenly my whole body felt as if I had pins and needles, I was completely disorientated, dizzy. sick and started burning up. I had to come back inside, had a cold shower and tried to get my breathing under control. The thing is, it leaves me feeling so drained and very weak.
I have to go back to the docs next week to have a series of blood tests - I know I'm going through the menapause and my doctor was telling me that there are links with hormone changes and mental health. The most obvious ones are pubity, post natal and the menapause.
I am supposed to go to work tomorrow and that is filling me with dread - I dont know why, I love my job, I just dont feel well enough.
Sorry for going on.

21-05-07, 10:50
Hello Judi !
This is exactly what happend to me and what your doc says is absolutley right. If you can accept that it is part of the menopause then this will give you some relief. I can recommend EFT - www.emofree.com (http://www.emofree.com) - it helps me
Be kind to yourself

21-05-07, 14:12
Thank you for the reply Neptuno.
I'm off work today - just could'nt face it. Still feeling very weak and wierd. I will have a look at EFT. I could'nt go on HRT because of a history of breast cancer in thr family.
This site has really helped me, I find it difficult to talk to anyone about it, even my husband, family or closest friends.
Thank you again

21-05-07, 19:15

power-surge is also a good site for women going through the menopause. Its free and you will find some great tips and women you can talk too who are all going through what you are. Believe me do not let how you are feeling get you down there are medical reasons why your anxiety has come back and you must tell yourself that you will not always be going through the menopause.

21-05-07, 19:46
thanks Pauline, I will have a look at that site