View Full Version : anxiety or allergy

21-05-07, 10:30
Hello everyone

This is a really strange problem. Whenever i use cosmetics, shampoo, perfume, infact anything i put on my skin or any highly perfumed product like fabric conditioner i have a really weird reaction. I get dizzy, flasy lights, blurred vision, stiff neck, weak, palpatations, hot and cold sweats and i feel l slightly disorientated. Sometimes it doesnt effect me at all but other times its really bad. My husband thinks its all in my mind and is part of my anxiety but i dont know. its such a real reaction, how could i do it to myself?

Does anyone get something similar? Do u think it could be anxiety? Am i just crazy? I fell like i am sometimes!!!:weep:

Would like some advice as i am getting nowhere with my gp.

thanku josephine.x:)

21-05-07, 11:08
Sounds very much like anxiety to me Josephine!

21-05-07, 11:16
yep, this sounds just like my anxiety symptoms. helen:shrug:

21-05-07, 12:56
Hi Josephine, i suffer from anxiety and panic attacks and recognise all of your symptoms, but i also get the same type of reaction to certain products. For me it is perfume and any creamy make-up eg; lipstick blusher eye shadow, but my worst is pennies, i have got a big jar i collect all my loose change in and when it gets full and needs counting my hubbie has to do it, i cant even be in the same room without feeling sick and dizzy it affects my breathing and my chest feels tight, even the smell can set me off if i have been handling coins. Everyone used to tell me it was just a coincidence but it happens so regulary in non stressfull situations that it is obvious that i am suffering, but worrying about it does make it feel worse. I know that you can have allergy testing but like you my doc is useless and it is very expensive to go private, i just use trial and error and try new products on their own for a few days to see if i get a reaction. But lots of people are sensitive to everyday things but just put up with it as they are hard to avoid . (i cant walk near electricity pylons without feeling dizzy and getting a buzzing feeling in my body). You are definately not on your own and i think we are probably just sensitive to an ingredient in the products

Jacq x