View Full Version : Waking Up

21-05-07, 13:31
Good Morning:)

I first off wanted to say I have a lot on my plate right now my mother who is 56 was just told she has Leukemia today she was admitted to the hospital for 30 days of intence chemo.
I thought I was dealing with it well but the last few weeks I have been waking up and my arms are so sore and ache. It is scaring me thinking it's the earyl warning signs of a heart attack. The feeling can last anywhere from us a few mins up intil a few hours. When I get up I check my bp to make sure it's normal and it always is.
Could I be have PA in my sleep and tening up which is making my arms sore?
Does anyone else get this?

21-05-07, 13:35
Im so sorry to hear about your mother.Sounds like anxiety pet,like you said yo have a lot on your plate at the moment,it affects us all in different ways.
Big Hug for you:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Nervous Wreck
21-05-07, 14:08
Really sorry to hear about your mother.

I think its very likely you've had panic attacks in your sleep. I've had them before, and woken up with sore arms, or rapid heart beat.

I think sometimes anxiety is more likely to come out when you're asleep, because when you're awake you can learn to supress or control it to an extent, but when you're asleep you don't really have control over what's going on in your head.

27-05-07, 17:18
Hi Terri,

I'm sorry to hear about your mother too. I agree with the others that you are probably tensing up during your sleep. I would try doing some stretching before bed and when you get up in the morning to see if it helps. Here is a :hugs: for you.

Laura :)

29-05-07, 06:53
Hi Terri
I am realy sorry to here about your mom and wish her a speedy recovery.I two have sharp pains in my arms.i've been having this on and off for a few days.I am 21 yrs old and I am so scared of getting a heart attack or stroke or something as I have really bad chest pains sometimes and heart palputations (racing heart) had it all checked out though, by the doc and he says I'm fine but it's hard when you feeling the symptoms.Were you diagnosed with anxiety and Pa attacks