View Full Version : painful legs

21-05-07, 17:08
Going through a bad spell at the moment. Off work today, just could'nt face it, even if I could have mustered the energy.
I just wondered, does anyone else suffer with painful legs. I have done for months now - cramp like pains in different parts ?????:huh:

21-05-07, 18:46
Hey Judipat,

I often get this, really tense legs. I once went for a massage to try and relax, and even they said I had the tensest calves they'd ever seen!

I sometimes feel like I'm going to fall over, being all lightheaded - and because my legs are tense I get this feeling as if my legs won't hold me up.

Nothing to worry about, it's just another one of those rubbish anxiety feelings :)


22-05-07, 09:57
I get this too and it can be really painful. Like Nick said it can be just because you legs get really tense. Another cause can be anemia. If you are feeling run down, tired and stuff it might be worth getting a blood test to see.

22-05-07, 17:47
Hi Blackie
Yes. I'm feeling really awful at the present - I am off work and suffering all kinds of symptoms - really low.
I am due to have a load of blood tests on Thursday, so I hope that we give me an explanation.

