View Full Version : Herbal Remedy

02-08-17, 14:39
Has anyone had any experience of Ashwaghanda? I have been reading up on this and it apparently can be taken alongside anti depressants without any side effects. I have anxiety every day mornings are the worst and I'm looking for a herbal remedy, I don't sleep well and my appetite is hit and miss.

I am taking Mirtazapine 15mg and Amitripytline 20mg at night, the Mirt I have tried to come off but the withdrawal effects were a bit too much for me to cope with. The Amitriptyline I have only been on a couple of months but the GP mainly advised these for my sciatica and poor sleeping. I don't find the Mirt much help but will try to come off it again if I can settle on a herbal remedy and come off anti depressants altogether.

Thanks for reading, sorry it's a bit long. Any advice appreciated. :unsure:

I Don't Get it!
02-08-17, 15:45
Sorry, I have no experience with Ashwaghanda, but regarding the sleep difficulty - I found tincture of Oat Straw excellent for helping me to sleep.

I take 30 drops in half a mug of warm rice milk (any warm non-stimulant drink would do) half an hour before bedtime and I sleep like a log now.

There are probably lots of different makes available but I've only ever used Vogel's "Avena Calm", so can't vouch for any others. It's good for anxiety too.

The other thing I found really makes me sleep well is Passiflora capsules, but again the brands really vary and some work and some don't.

I hope you get some good info regarding the Ashwaghanda, although I haven't tried it, I've tried other Ayurvedic remedies in the past with good results (not for anxiety, though - this was years ago, before I got anx.).

Best of luck. Not getting good quality sleep is torture.

03-08-17, 19:34
Thank you for your reply. I will try your suggestions, failing that a hammer might do the trick!! lol :winks:

11-10-17, 12:43
Hi kath138. I too been researching various herbs. I just found somthing that really really helps.bit called anxiety formula. Made by nutrisuppoz. It had all good herbs.has numerous b vitamins. Nuacin, magnesium oxide. Had a proprietary blend of 830 mg of rhodiols, ashwagwndha, chamomile, gaba, lemon balm, skullcap, Hawthorne,passion flower, Valerian, oat straw ,st John's wort. All good stuff. Been using a few days and honestly cant believe how it works.more calm. Take 2 only in am. I got it from Amazon since im in us.

I Don't Get it!
11-10-17, 13:40
wow, bittersweet05, that sounds like a powerful cocktail of herbs!

I take Oat straw and Passionflower and can vouch for their effectiveness for helping with sleep. I used to take St John'sWort for depression, which I think did have a positive effect (and no side effects for me).

My Anxiety and Depression are almost gone now, but I'd have been very tempted to try your suggestion if I was still suffering. Sounds like good stuff!

For me, once the initial Anxiety and Depression began improving, I found learning to relax and stop worrying was the most important and helpful thing to combat my condition.

11-10-17, 15:16
Glad to hear herbs help. I know what you mean when you feel better and forget things go better. I truly believe in herbal vitamins. I took celexa for 3 months 4 years ago. Hated it. These herbal vitamins seem to really help.

19-01-18, 12:41
Sorry, I have no experience with Ashwaghanda, but regarding the sleep difficulty - I found tincture of Oat Straw excellent for helping me to sleep.

I take 30 drops in half a mug of warm rice milk (any warm non-stimulant drink would do) half an hour before bedtime and I sleep like a log now.

There are probably lots of different makes available but I've only ever used Vogel's "Avena Calm", so can't vouch for any others. It's good for anxiety too.

The other thing I found really makes me sleep well is Passiflora capsules, but again the brands really vary and some work and some don't.

I hope you get some good info regarding the Ashwaghanda, although I haven't tried it, I've tried other Ayurvedic remedies in the past with good results (not for anxiety, though - this was years ago, before I got anx.).

Best of luck. Not getting good quality sleep is torture.

( I found tincture of Oat Straw excellent for helping me to sleep.
I take 30 drops in half a mug of warm rice milk (any warm non-stimulant drink would do) half an hour before bedtime and I sleep like a log now.)
I want to try this.

13-02-18, 21:23
I was on antidepressants for 3 days but had an allergic reaction, I now take St John's Wort and Omega 3. I sleep better and my anxiety and depression are under control.