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View Full Version : Blood tests panic

02-08-17, 16:15
Hi had alot of bloods taken yesterday because of red burning feet and hands, ive been into the surgery today and they said the results are back and not to worry but have to see the GP, I'm worried crazy now and can't rest.

02-08-17, 16:28
I would call them and tell them this and ask why you need to see the doctor.

It won't be anything serious though or they would have said.

02-08-17, 16:43
Yeah, try not to worry. It's probably something really simple like a slightly low iron count or something :)

02-08-17, 18:29
Thanks for the replies I just can't uncerstand why the doctor to the receptionist said yes the results are back, need to make a gp app, but don't worry, I would have thought that if I was slightly low on something she would have told the receptionist a prescription would be done

Hate the waiting makes me feel sick!

02-08-17, 18:33
Standard procedure. If there was something seriously amiss, you would have been called right in.

Positive thoughts

02-08-17, 21:11
Where I live receptionists never give test results over the phone.

02-08-17, 21:13
It's stand a as Fishmanpa says. The receptionist hand qualified to inform you of any new meds you might have to take.

I've been told sooooo many times that results are back and that I need to contact my doctor and it's always been something slightly low/high etc

Now, when I had the rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis my doctor contacted me. So if it were something concerning they'd certainly have got in touch with you :)