View Full Version : Should I be worried about HIV?

02-08-17, 16:22
The only reason I am worrying is because I am on the verge of getting into a new relationship and she wanted us to both get a sexual health check which was very mature of her. But now I have worried myself over HIV!:doh:

Before I split up with my ex last year I remember I got cold like symptoms but it only seemed to last a day, it was a few days just before we split up so I was really really stressed. Looking back I remember it like this:

Thursday was fine

Friday day was fine, Friday evening I met a mate at the pub and started feeling sick in my stomach, I think because I was so worried and stressed about splitting up, I could not even finish one pint and went home, I started to get diarrhoea, then I felt really really sick and was sick maybe 2 or 3 times and got really achey and they felt like flu/cold and remember could not get sleep and kept waking up.

Saturday I felt fine went to a mates sat eve and was struggling to eat or drink but I was not sick just felt sick. (Was still worried about my relationship).

Sunday I think I felt a bit achey but nothing other than that and Monday the same, we split up on the Monday and the rest of the week I felt pretty normal.

I only started worrying because I googled sexual health check ups and came across the hiv symptoms. They say last up to 2 weeks sometimes longer which I am trying to remain positive about as mine was pretty much 1 weekend and only 1 day on the Friday night I actually felt really bad.

Do mine sound like HIV or maybe cause I was so stressed?

02-08-17, 18:35
What does the "rational" part of your brain say?

Positive thoughts

02-08-17, 18:57
Sounds like you had a stomach bug

02-08-17, 21:15
Yeah, sounds like a regular old cold/stomach but. Probably brought on by stress :)

Good on your new GF for encouraging std tests. Very wise of her ^^

03-08-17, 02:51
As someone who has obsessed over this and have had enough hiv test to fill the room , NO it does not sound like seroconversion sickness, go get a rapid test and be done with it, believe me i gave myself every symptom. Now I'm onto als. I am a sicko

03-08-17, 18:03
What does the "rational" part of your brain say?

Positive thoughts

The rational part has kicked in, I had footy training just after my HA kicked in last night so that took my mind off it then when I got home I stayed away from the internet, then just thought about it and thought to myself if it was HIV symptoms then it would not of lasted just 1 night and few aches the next day, I am sure it would of been longer and I was also sick to my stomach with worry about the situation with my girlfriend at the time so it falls into that which could of also brung it on. Hopefully keep up these positive thoughts! :yesyes:

03-08-17, 18:04
The rational part has kicked in, I had footy training just after my HA kicked in last night so that took my mind off it then when I got home I stayed away from the internet, then just thought about it and thought to myself if it was HIV symptoms then it would not of lasted just 1 night and few aches the next day, I am sure it would of been longer and I was also sick to my stomach with worry about the situation with my girlfriend at the time so it falls into that which could of also brung it on. Hopefully keep up these positive thoughts! :yesyes:

:yesyes: There ya go! Shaun 1 - Dragon 0

Positive thoughts

15-08-17, 12:56
Thought I'd post here instead of making a new thread. We have both finally managed to get sti check ups at 4:30 this afternoon, feeling a bit worried about it though, does anyone know what will happen? Or have any knowledge about them? :shrug:

15-08-17, 15:07
Hi, yes. The nurse or doc asks you some questions about your sex life. Be honest and don't be embarrassed cause they aren't there to judge. Most of the STI tests involve taking a swab from the penis or vagina, or sometimes it will be from a urine sample. Swabs can be a bit uncomfortable it but only takes a few seconds and it isn't painful. Some tests like HIV involve taking a blood sample obviously.

I see you're in the UK same as me. I'm in Scotland, but assuming it's similar, results take usually at least a few days come back but it can be up to two weeks sometimes (length of time does not mean there's anything to worry about).

You will be offered condoms several times. I would enthusiastically take handfuls of them.

15-08-17, 16:51
You will be offered condoms several times. I would enthusiastically take handfuls of them.

I've now got an image of Shaun running out of the clinic, one hand pulling his GF and another with a fistful of johnnies! :roflmao:

Hang on, that sounds like a good title for a porn remake of a classic Clint Eastwood :roflmao:

15-08-17, 19:58
I've now got an image of Shaun running out of the clinic, one hand pulling his GF and another with a fistful of johnnies! :roflmao:

Hang on, that sounds like a good title for a porn remake of a classic Clint Eastwood :roflmao:

Lol Terry :roflmao:

Hopefully the clinic went ok Shaun by the time you see this. Not fun, but a good thing to have done and good on your GF for suggesting it.

16-08-17, 18:07
I've now got an image of Shaun running out of the clinic, one hand pulling his GF and another with a fistful of johnnies! :roflmao:

Hang on, that sounds like a good title for a porn remake of a classic Clint Eastwood :roflmao:

Gotta make the most of the free johnnies aye! :roflmao:

Lol Terry :roflmao:

Hopefully the clinic went ok Shaun by the time you see this. Not fun, but a good thing to have done and good on your GF for suggesting it.

It went well thank you, no where near as bad as I expected! Apart from the swab part that was well... pretty uncomfortable :blush: