View Full Version : New day new freak out

02-08-17, 18:37
I am having HA hell again. It goes round in circles and once I am calmed over one worry, a new one rears its head. I have worried about various different cancers over the last 6 months.

I had an ankle lump and thought it was bone cancer.
Various stomach upsets = loads of different cancers.
Now I have a mole thing I am worried about so my new worry is skin cancer. I have looked at photos and while I don't think it looks like a melanoma which is not good, I have pretty much diagnosed myself with another form of SC. I will go to the doctor tomorrow to check it out and also to talk about medication. I had citalopram but it made me so tired. I have now got proponalol (sp??!) but worried about taking it. I am on wait list for therapy but still have weeks to wait (since Feb).

Please I am not looking for reassurance as we are not doctors. I think that this is a genuine concern that a normal person would get checked out, sometimes my HA makes me wonder whether I should go to doc or not. I am looking for tips to calm. I have looked at statistics etc which are of some comfort but still freaking out.

Anyone else found HA is massive since having kids?

02-08-17, 18:41

I had my bouts of "hypocondria"before becoming a parent, but it was COMPLETELY controllable and didn't overtake my life.

Ever since pregnancy and then now 2 kids in, ages 4 and 5, I am what most might rightfully categorize as a hot mess.

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02-08-17, 19:17
It is so silly that I am worried about what could (but mostly doesn't) happen. I think the main fear is being taken from my kids whereas when I was single, I was more like oh when I die I die.... and I would eventually get over it.

I worry about them too, inwardly, being a parent is a wonderful yet terrifying thing!!

03-08-17, 17:26
Well, I have had a gp appointment and it has reassured me. I have gastritis and my mole worry was a harmless thing. I am so annoyed with myself that I worry myself into a right mess but I am relieved that I am ok.

Got to try to get a handle on my HA and stop letting it take over my life.