View Full Version : Hello I am new here

21-05-07, 22:06
Hi I am also new to the site. I am a 46 year old mother with grown up children. I have suffered with anxiety and panic attacks since I was 5 years old. My teen years weren't too bad as I was out partying every night, but since having the kids and an unhappy marriage it had escalated. I worry so much that I am truly suffering and sometimes life isnt worth living. I get into such states about the kids imagining things are wrong with them, and my only way out is to run away but I know that is silly and not logical.
My GP is brilliant and very supportive but I really don't know how I can carry on like this. I am making my kids hyprochondriacs and every time they visit the GP or are unwell I break out into a sweat.I cannot work now or go on holiday or anything. I know I am pathetic and no one will want to be friends with me but at least I can hopefully learn from others.

21-05-07, 22:10
Hello Betty, :welcome: to you!

You carry on, we're all friends here - you included now!

Plenty of help and support, we're all here for each other ok?

Pleased to meet you!


21-05-07, 23:13

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

take care

Trac xx

21-05-07, 23:20
Hi Betty

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get lots of great advice and support while a making new friends too.:)


22-05-07, 00:33
Hi Betty

I'm 49 (just!!) married with three grown children (4 including hubby). I'm new to this site and I'm so glad i found it. I have not been feeling well recently and am currently off work - suffering anxiety/panic attacks. This site is great for advice and info and for talking to like minded people.
The only advice i can give to you is try and get well, because you will do and live your life and enjoy it.

Hope to talk to you soon

Judi xx

22-05-07, 03:27
Hi Betty! Don't worry (funny thing to say on this site) you'll find that the majority of us on here have felt the way you feal at one time or another. I was out of work once a few months ago...but am back now and doing much better. I like you worry alot about my loved ones (and myself) and our health and well being. You will get lots of support, love, and advice here. It is all here for the taking, its just up to you how much you want to let everyone in. This is a great group of folks! The best I've found yet! Best wishes!

22-05-07, 09:06
Hi Betty,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

22-05-07, 12:33
Thank you for caring and your lovely replies. I am trying really hard not to worry. It is a comfort to know you are not alone and others understand. I don't wish to just discuss my fears and worries but to learn how to cope with some of the ridiculous things I worry about and to stop these worries and panic attacks from ruining my life. The constant adrenaline must be having a physical affect on me by now.
How can other people sleep and rest when their kids are out at night? How can do other people cope with tests and hospitals and in fact want tests? Why do I keep imagining the worst possible outcome in every area of my life?
I know many of the answers are because of life experiences, bad things that have happened and I am scared they will happen again. But I want to change and programme myself to be optimistic and not to live in my head with these thoughts. I am due to see a counsellor soon but just discussing my fears brings on a panic. Yesterday I wrote something in my introduction and couldn't bear to see it so I had to edit it. Sorry to ramble, I am going to try hard to get my act together and be a positive person and to bring this to the forum. Once again thank you all of you.:D
Love Betty

funky chick
22-05-07, 14:01
Hi and welcome to nmp Betty,
So gald you have found the site you will meet and find some really lovely kind and caring people on here. Hope to catch you soon take care love Gail xxx:hugs:

22-05-07, 15:59
Hello again Betty!

Don't worry, you can say as much or as little as you want to here ok?:)

I understand your feelings about the counselling - but do try and stick with it.

After my initial fears about it, it turned out to be one of the best moves I made :yesyes:!! Hope you'll be able to say the same.

Take care


22-05-07, 21:30
Hi Betty

A warm welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

Pink Princess
23-05-07, 13:07
hi and welcome to the site, you will find a lot of good advice and support here and make many friends along the way. hope to talk soon, take kare xxxxxx

23-05-07, 14:45
Welcome betty to the No More Panic forum. Just like to say that just keep on going and living your life as you'll will be fine, and the panic attacks do go and subside. I'm am very sorry though, that you've had them for many years since you were 5. With all the help and support here from many friendly members, we'll soon be having you more back to your normal self.

From Alex (Zanxiety) :)

23-05-07, 17:32
Hi All you lovely people,
thank you for all your kindness and warm welcomes. Hopefully I will get to know you all.
Love Betty

27-05-07, 04:44
Hi Betty,

A friendly welcome to you. You will meet so many who feel just like you do. As a matter of fact, I have a 21 year old that I lay awake many nights waiting for him to come home (major circles under the eyes some days). I so understand where you are coming from!

Laura :)