View Full Version : Needing courage

21-05-07, 22:43
Hi there,its me again.Really need some courage at the mo cos i'm not feeling too strong.Been coping with being physically unwell which has brought on a couple of horrendous panic attacks and a general feeling of high anxiety.Got stuck in an almighty traffic jam on the m4 today and was so terrified i would panic but luckily i didn't thank god.I find the panics so embarrassing cos usually i am so independent and self contained and in control.I really want to get these panics kicked into touch.Has anyone tried hypnotherapy or acupuncture?I am horrified how i get when these panics happen as they are very severe leading to sickness and diarrohea,shaking,severe agitation.So not like my usual self.Yes i do have a stressful life but i do actually like my life although not so much lately due to bad health.I tried to come off my seroxat very slowly with the help of my doctor but as soon as i try something seems to happen in my life and i have to return to my old dose.Its soooooo frustrating.I also have a very very understanding partner now who supports me loads and i thought that would help me but it hasn't made any difference.
Can anyone give me the courage to get back on track?
Ali xxx

22-05-07, 09:28
Hiya Ali
Sorry to hear your going though a bad patch. I havnt acctually tried acupunture yet but i wrote to one of the leading member of a team in the south. They said they could help me and it would be good to have an appointment. I have heard alot of possitive things about it but i guess it depends on the individual on how well iot works.
Coming of seroxat is very hard but is really worth it in the end. It could make you feel ill and abit more anxious but these will go in time.
Its good to hear that you have a supportive patner. This can be really helpful to know you have someone.
Well done on not panicking in the traffic jam. Thats really great and you should be prwod of yourself. Try not to be too hard on yourself and take little steps.
Hope you feel better
Take care