View Full Version : Random Hives Appearing on Body

22-05-07, 18:59

Lately, I have had random Hives appear on various places on my body, but mostly on my upper arms. I actually had one appear on my face today.

By Hives, I mean like Mosquito bites, a sort of flat white round circle that is surrounded by red irritation. See the attached photo for an idea of what I mean.

I am worried because though I am prone to insect bites in the Summer, I have never had them this early, or quite like they are now.

The first I know of one is that I scratch myself, then look at the skin and it's there. The thing is, they go as quickly as they appear.

Has/is anyone else suffered/suffering from anything like this so early in the year ?

Worried it's more serious than just insect bites because of the time of year (as in too early), plus have had them on and off for two months now.

Any comments welcome.

Kind Regards

22-05-07, 19:07
Hi dave,

This is weird I have exactly the same.......... mine are on my arms , also 1 on my tummy and also some round my torso at the waist.
They r really itchy cant stop scratching , scratched so much tht they r actually scabbing a bit now, I dont know what they are, ive not been near any long grass etc thought it was maybe related to my hayfever as my eyes have been quite itchy. I would go to my doc but i am trying to stay away, suppose we could ask the pharmacist though. What do you think??


22-05-07, 19:15

Sorry you have it too, but it's sort of reassuring, if you know what I mean !

I have had itchy eyes too now I think about it, but I haven't suffered from Hayfever for years - and isn't it too early ?

I sometimes get them on my torso too.

I have just bough some one-a-day antihistamine, I am going to start taking them and see what happens. In the mean time, Savlon seems to help.


22-05-07, 19:29
Hi again,

Its good to know your not suffering alone, the hayfever season has started really early this year.
People that haven't suffered from it are getting it for the 1st time.......ive never suffered for a while but this yr is a different story, its murder wearing my contacts as well because of the itchy eyes!!!
I have been using germolene it helps a bit but then comes back i think i'll definately ask my pharmacist about an anti histamine as well ,as im only taking eye drops at the mo.
I'll let you know how it goes and in the meantime we'll try not to scratch......impossible i know

take care

22-05-07, 19:40
Wow I get these too but just the random odd 1 that appears on my arms/hands/legs from time to time!

22-05-07, 20:01
I can tell you exactly what they are, the are called urticaria (I think that’s how you spell it lol). I get them loads and they got so bad once that the doctor sent me to see a dermatologist.

After loads of tests it was put down to extreme stress:huh: he explained to me that it was a bit like a cold-sores and ulcers, which if we get an over load of stress then this can cause an auto immune response.:wacko:

So I have lived with this for the past 9 years there are things that can make it more bearable.

The best way to test to see if you suffer with this condition is the outer arm test, run your finger nail on you arm :ohmy: and wait a few seconds if the area turns white (like a tract mark were your nail has been) then there is a strong possibility that you suffer with the condition.

Yet another part of stress, it is a surge of histamine into the blood stream non life threatening just very itchy and a bit ugly:mad: if like me you get them on your face.:weep:

Hope this helps!
Sam xx

22-05-07, 20:34
Hey Sam

I tried the finger nail test and the area did turn white. Strange though I have taken an antihistamine not long ago !

I looked at pictures of Urticaria and it seems more of a severe rash. Mine are always single and circular.

Thanks for the info though, it really helps.

Who needs this stress stuff huh ?

Thanks again

22-05-07, 23:06
Mine went red, not white but I still get the little blighters lol

23-05-07, 09:50
Hi Dave,

My daughter sufferd pa, anxiety form a very early age ( 3 years)

She had hives on and off for a long time.One would pop up then go, then 3 would pop up and then go. The gp said it was all to do with anxiety, mmm very strange, but anxiety has some very strange symptoms.

Calamine lotion was given just to take the ich away, because by daughter hive,s never seem to stay for long, this treatment did the trick, used lots of the stuff.

She has not had hives in a long time, she is nearly 14 now and apart from her blip last year she is doing very, very well, regarding anxiety, ohh I'm soo proud of her.



27-05-07, 17:06

I get hives from allergic reactions to foods that I sometimes eat and to meds but mine are much bigger and in clumps. My son also had hives when he wore wool for the first time (didn't realize he was allergic) and they were as big as my hand on him. Now I do have anxiety but as I know I don't think I've had them from anxiety yet. Mine don't look like that photo though they are so much bigger. Odd that hives from other causes can look so different don't you think?

Laura :)

18-07-09, 17:22
Hi, I'm a 19 year old male. I suffer the same symptoms but only mine are more severe. They don't go away unless I take some type allergy medication. Doctors said that couldn't figure out what was wrong and said it would go away.

The hives that I get tend to spread all over my body and on face even. It can get to a point where my whole body will be covered in hives and I will itch and be swollen. The only way to make them go away is to take some allergy medication. Such as Clariton or Zyrtec.

As odd as it seems I don't get any bug bites. I live in a room where it is infested with bed bugs sad to say, but I don't get bitten. My room mate complains about it all the time but I don't seem to get bitten by bugs. Mosquitoes either. It is almost as if they don't like my blood.

I've been having these hives for more than two years now, and they only get worse. It takes about four whole days without medication for me to be covered and suffering from the hives.

11-04-13, 16:06
Your msg was sooo helpful to me. I started getting these hives recently and keep ending up in the hospital for fear that it's an allergic reaction. They are so random and have been making my life a living hell. Since I have an anxiety disorder that I manage fine with intellect, (telling myself that I will NOT die etc) having these hives have been making it almost impossible for me to tell myself I'll be alright since I Don't know if I will in these circumstances. Dr's are no help either (due to liability issues) and can't tell me that I'll be fine (even if they want to) they always have to tell me about the "possibility" of it being a serious, life-threatening issue, which for a person with a Panic Disorder, only perpetuates the situation. I am 4 weeks pregnant for the first time and I just found out 3 days ago and had a panic attack last night because some serious looking hives popped up on my arm after eating yoghurt (even though I've been eating the yoghurt for years) and I couldn't help but worry about what my panic attack was doing to the baby. I'm sick of being scared and your msg has helped me more than you know. Just to hear the words, "non-life threatening" made me want to cry! (from joy). Because even though I know there's "always a risk".....I don't want to know that anymore. It's not helping me.So, thank you again. :D

Carly Lou
11-04-13, 17:58
I might be able to help... I have been suffereing from itchy skin... esp on my hands and in random areas on my body... then suddenly last sunday awoke with a blotchy face ( always had brilliant skin) panic stations... my eyes were swollen and my face itched and was the same tempature as the sun. so i used some clarityn decided i was allergic to my washing powder and washed everything in non bio stuff.... face was fine yesterday just a bit dry and well i awoke this morning with a puffy blotchy face again !!! so doctors it was.... ive been diagnosed with urticaria... very similar to hives... actually i think it is also known as hives in some cases... she puts it down to either a allergy ( i do suffer hayfever ) or stress.... said high levels of anxiety and emotonal stress can cause it... so ive decided thats whats caused it... i am now on some prescriptions antihistamines and hopefully they will work... altho i wasnt to keen the tablets are the same size for a horse hahaha
Hope this has helped... ive been using a emollient cream and also just bought some Aveeno cream which is natrual and no perfume... etc etc

hope ive helped x

Carls x

12-04-13, 14:29
Had urticaria for about 15 years. When I was 16 the Dr said he thought it was linked to anxiety. I didn't believe it at the time but now I do.

I have the physical-urticaria variant. It comes on if I'm too warm or stressed or exercise. It gets better over time but its never gone away completely.