View Full Version : Im scared

23-05-07, 00:05
Hi,as some of you know my brother took an overdose on the 11th May.He was in a bad way and had taken a very large amount of meds.He is still in hospital.My brother is also an alcoholic as well.We have had problems with him for over 20 years,and the suicide attempt was the third time.This was the worse one.I found out today that the ward he is on allows the patients to go out,and come back when they like.So he has been going out and drinking and then going back to the hospital.
Im scared because he is able to leave the hospital and he could easily have a drink and take more meds,only this time he may not get help!!!!!!
I fear for that knock on the door from the police,or a phone call.
I would like to know if anyone here has been or going through a similar sort of thing.Im trying to keep the anxiety under control.But I want to know its not just our family that has these problems,at the moment thats what it feels like.:weep:

23-05-07, 10:27
Hiya hun
I am going through a similer thing with my brother. He was drinking alot and smoking alot of weed. He also tried to kill himself and ended up in hospital in a bad way. I always worry about him, if i cant get hold of him. He does have a habbit of dissapearing and turning his phone off.
Is your brother getting any help at all? It seems obserd that the hospital is letting him go out and drink and then come back. Can he get reffered to a clinic to help himwith his drinking?
It is so hard. You cant just stop worring about them but if you ever just need a chat or a hug im here.
Take care

23-05-07, 12:48
Thank you blackie,nice to know Im not alone but do feel for you to.
My brother has done the clinics for drinking,not sure what treatment there doing now.I know they have changed his meds,but he is hospital voluntry so he can come and go.Its stupid if you ask me.:lac:

23-05-07, 19:02
Oh Ellen. I wish he wasn't able to wander around. Wish he was getting help to 'fix' him for the future and not stumble back into past ways. Not fair on your parents or you.

Do the hospital know what he's up to?

23-05-07, 22:56
Yes the hospital do know,they sent the police out for him last night.We only know from his flat mate.Brother hasnt contacted us since the weekend.He wont help himself at all.The help is there but he wants everyone to do it for him.

23-05-07, 23:17
My dad was an alcoholic and died from it.

I had to admit him to a clinic once for help but he walked out 2 days later. They have to help themselves - we can do nothing.

It has effected me my whole life and I will never forget what he put me through but I have had to move on.

PM me if you want to

23-05-07, 23:20
Awww Ellen:hugs:

I so feel for you mate:hugs:

Here if you need me

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

24-05-07, 14:21
Yes the hospital do know,they sent the police out for him last night.We only know from his flat mate.Brother hasnt contacted us since the weekend.He wont help himself at all.The help is there but he wants everyone to do it for him.

How frustrating for you to be watching him not take the help.

I can't think of anything to say to help you and your parents. Just hope you are ok.