View Full Version : being alone

23-05-07, 02:39
Hi everyone

I wasnt sure where to post this so i hope its in the right spot lol

5 months ago i moved from my home town, leaving my family and friends and EX husband (whooohoooo) behind, to start a new life with someone new. It didnt seem a hard move at the time, but once i got here and realised i have no family here and they are a 24 hour drive away must have bothered me as my anxiety got worse and worse until i pretty much hit rock bottom. My parnter is gone from home from 7.30am until 5.30pm and it just seemed such a long day to be dealing with such bad anxiety. I had d/p something shocking, half the time i didnt even know if i was here or not, i didnt feel light headed but had a sensation of passing out, well i dont want to get into it anyway cos it just felt so horrific.

My mum came up here 6 weeks ago and got the biggest shock of her life as i had lost sooooooooo much weight and was spending all day on the couch as the way i feel i was basically too scared to get up and do something. At the same time i started CBT. Within the last 4 weeks i can really see how big an iprovment i have made but my Mum is going home next week and yes, im starting to worry big time. Having someone with me all day has obviously been a huge help to me, and today her and my step dad have gone out fishing and im feeling all the " old " symptoms again and am alot more anxious so now knowing they are going is seming worse for me.

So sorry to throw you my life story lol but im just wondering if anyone has any suggestions on what i can do or think or whatever to myself so that it may be a lttle easier for me when she does go? Im really worried i will get as bad as i had got before and i seirously seriously dont wanna go down that road again.

Any suggestions will be more than appreciated, thanks

23-05-07, 10:20
Sorry to hear you going through such a hard time. It does sound like a hard move to make, leaving all the familier.
Have you made any friends where you live now? It would be good if you could have something to do in the day with other people that you enjoy.
Have you told your partner how you are feeling? Just having someone to talk to about it can be a big help.
What about getting a pet? I spend all day on my own but i have a cat that spends all day curled up on my bed and coming over for cuddles. She is the most loving animal in the world.
Hope the CBT geos well and you start to feel better.
Take care

23-05-07, 12:43
Hi Prin

Could you visit your local library, they would be able to inform you of any social events in your area.
I have joined a local walking group we dont walk that far, but i have made alot of new friends and its good to have a natter too !


23-05-07, 12:53
Hi there sorry to hear you feel so rotten at the moment.You have made a big change in your life.I agree with honeybee and blackie,try and find somewhere you can meet people.If this is to difficult for you how about a pet like blackie suggested.My dog is my life.Its the onlt exercise I get walking him and my dads dog.They are such a great friends pets.:hugs:

23-05-07, 12:55
Hi Prin,

Please try and get out, even if it just a very short distance. Bit by bit your confidence should grow. Try and do this NOW, before your mum goes back. It will be harder after she goes.

I don't know where you are in Oz, but this link provides details of support groups you could attend as well as general advice.


Take Care

23-05-07, 23:21
Hi everyone

Thank you for your replys.

At the moment i dont know anyone up here, my parter and i started yoga a while back hoping for me to meet some people but i got so bad i only went to one lesson, he has been very understanding and helpful of my anxiety and does anything that will help me to recover so that is an added bonus.

I am starting to get out more now, and the day before yesterday i drove a 15 minute drive eitehr way to the shop on my own and the following night i drove my mum around the same distance to the supermarket, i went in on my own and did some shopping and drove us home. I do feel i am getting a wee bit stronger but i have so many head symptoms i do worry alot about how i feel some days so there fore i dont do as much. We have a dog as well and i would love to be able to go for a short walk with him each day but again my dreaded head makes me worry what will or if anything will happen to me while i am walking. Some days are easier than others at the moment and i do feel i am making progress which i think is due to the cbt, i guess i just worry that no one else feels these sensations in there head like i do.

Anyway you have all made a lot of suggestions so thank you, and ty Ray for the site in Aus, i will try and get myself a little more motivated and try and get out on my own a bit mroe as i would love to be able to drive myself to the shopping centre and maybe do an arts and craft course or something and meet new people, but just at the moment i dont feel confident enough to be doing that.

thanks again ill keep popping back to this post just incase anyone else puts any more suggestions here :)

thank you